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Dacic: I've been around world 25 times campaigning for Serbia (TV Pink, B92)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says now is the right time internationally to make progress in resolving the Kosovo issue. He pointed out that Albanians are delaying and waiting for these circumstances to change.

Dacic told TV Pink that it is a question what will happen in the US after the next presidential election and whether an administration that is not favorable for Serbian interests will return to power.

"That administration was not so much Obama's as it was Clinton's," Dacic said, adding that another question is "whether Joseph Biden's return would be good for Serbian interests."

Stating that the situation should be used to make some progress, Dacic pointed out that the Albanians are delaying and waiting for things to change. "For us, this is also an option, to wait," Dacic said, adding that he believes Kosovo will never become a member of Interpol, UNESCO, or the UN.

Speaking about statements by Kosovo's leaders on delineation, he said that it was a cacophony coming from Pristina with the aim of not reaching any solution. Dacic also expects the number of UN member states that recognize Kosovo to soon fall below half of the total number of countries.

"That creates a completely new picture, so they (Pristina) will not be able to make any political move without agreeing with Belgrade," Dacic noted, adding that since April 2014, when he became the foreign minister, only nine states have recognized Kosovo, while 13 have revoked their recognition.

According to him, 91 countries certainly did not recognize Kosovo, but there are many that formally did, but are not voting in Pristina's favor in international forums.

Among them are Egypt, Peru, Oman, the Central African Republic, the head of diplomacy said, and added that as the minister he has so far been around the globe 25 times in order to campaign for Serbian interests.

Dacic reiterated that it was now a convenient international moment to solve the Kosovo problem, as the US administration is open to a compromise between Belgrade and Pristina, while that the current European Commission is ending its mandate this year.

Speaking about last week's session of the UN Security Council, which reviewed the UN Secretary-General's report on Kosovo and Metohija, Dacic said it was a very positive session for Serbian interests, and that it was worth making an effort to make sure it was held. Dacic said that Serbia negotiated to keep Kosovo and Metohija on the agenda of the UN Security Council - something that, he said, shocked Kosovo representatives.