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Brnabic: Statement of Rada Trajkovic scandalous (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic considers that the statement of Rada Trajkovic, accusing Serbia for “state terrorism”, is scandalous, Tanjug news agency reports.

“I do not know in what other country something like that could happen? To accuse the President of the Republic for something like that, without evidence and with arbitrary claims. It runs contrary to the common sense”, Brnabic said.

According to her, the President Aleksandar Vucic, the Serbian Government and Srpska Lista had the least to profit from “the monstrous murder of Oliver Ivanovic,” and that the situation “is quite opposite in fact.”

She urged Rada Trajkovic to present the evidence on her claims “that the President Aleksandar Vucic is obstructing the investigation”.