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Srpska Lista, Serbian officials on election victory in northern Kosovo municipalities (RTS, Tanjug, RTV Puls, TV Most, Radio Kosovska Mitrovcia)

Srpska Lista and Serbian officials reacted to the election victory in the four northern Kosovo municipalities by saying it is a victory of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and an important step in a struggle for the Serbian state and national interests, media report on Monday. Goran Rakic, a mayoral candidate in Mitrovica North while declaring the victory said, “it was a victory of the Serbian people.” He noted “a call for the boycott by the opposition that wanted to push Serbian people into the hands of Pristina has failed.” Rakic thanked the Serbian state, Marko Djuric, Aleksandar Vucic and the Serbian Government for urging the Serbian people to remain united. Srdjan Vulovic, a mayoral candidate in Zubin Potok said Srpska Lista won 95.45 percent of votes in this municipality. He noted for the people in Zubin Potok these were not elections but rather a referendum to remain and survive. Vucina Jankovic, a mayoral candidate in Zvecan said elections in this municipality were calm and people showed the dignity and how to defend Serbia in Kosovo. He thanked residents of the Zvecan municipality for giving support, adding he would do his utmost to justify the trust given to him. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said the victory of Srpska Lista candidates in mayoral elections in the north of Kosovo is the best confirmation of a unity and struggle for the most important state and national interests. Vucic addressed over the phone gathered citizens in Mitrovica North on Sunday evening thanking them for taking part in the elections and for showing a strong energy and a willingness to fight for their future and betterment of their children. Vucic promised he would always remain by the side of the Serbian people in Kosovo. He ended his address by saying “Long live our people in Kosovo and Metohija and long live our Serbia.” Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said that the Serbs by the massive turnout in the elections on Sunday have defended the north of Kosovo. According to him in this quest Serbia’s state leadership and the Serbian population in Kosovo have the unwavering support of Russia and the Russian President Vladimir Putin. Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric commenting on mayoral elections in the north of Kosovo said this was a major victory of Serbs in Kosovo and a major success in a struggle for unity with the Serbian state and the unity within Serbia itself. He also noted Srpska Lista achieved better and greater results comparing to the 2017 elections. Serbian National Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Chairperson Milovan Drecun said that Serbian people by turning out to elections defended the right to remain in the north of Kosovo and at the same time expressed a strong unity with the Serbian state. He also said this is an indicator that no one could count on the division among Serbs and attempts to find individuals and some Serb political parties that would be more prone to Pristina’s interests than to the interests of their own people. Drecun announced the four mayors would come to Belgrade for the talks and these talks would be a continuation of permanent communication between the state leadership and political representatives of the Serbian people in Kosovo.