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Jovanovic (DSS): Consensus on Kosovo reintegration needed after Kurti's victory (Danas, Kosovo online)

Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) President Milos Jovanovic says that after the electoral victory of Self-determination leader Albin Kurti, it is important to see whether in Serbia is finally reached ''a consensus on the need to re-integrate the southern province into Serbia's constitutional order".

Jovanovic told Kosovo Online Online that Kurti has proven himself a hard separatist since his student days, but that it doesn't matter because there has always been a consensus among Albanians "when it comes to the abduction of the southern Serbian province."

"It is possible that tariffs will be abolished, or at least suspended, but judging by what Albin Kurti announced in the election campaign, the renewal of the dialogue should not come quickly, from the current perspective at least, the so-called demarcation can be an option, that Kurti will seriously consider," opined the DSS leader.

Commenting on the victory of the Serbian List and winning all 10 seats, Jovanovic said that the idea of Serbs being united in Kosovo was correct in itself and of utmost importance, because "we cannot afford the luxury of division".

"I am not so sorry that the Serbian Corps, formally at least, remained undivided. On the contrary. The problem is, however, that the Serbian List - apart from being led by people with problematic or criminal biographies - has been put into the function of a pernicious policy run by official Belgrade i.e. the demarcation policy or the surrender of Kosovo to Albanian secessionists," concluded Milos Jovanovic.