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Father Sava: Open hunt on Serbs (KiM Radio)

Abbot of the Decani Monastery Sava Janjic said that in Kosovo for 15 years didn’t stop open hunt on Serbs.

He pointed out that most of the attackers on the Albanian bakeries in Serbia were found, contrary to the cases of the attacks on Serbs in Kosovo.

He says that in Kosovo there are constant incidents; Serbs are subjected to persecution, destruction of their houses, some of which have recently set on fire, all of which, according to him, shows the continuity that arises from the general post-war atmosphere "that the Serbs were the main culprits and that they should suffer."

"It is an open hunt on Serbs," Janjic said, adding that he could not say that all Albanians are for it. However, there are people who blame the Serbs for everything and thus through attacks believe they are doing something good for their nation.

"The problem is when mechanisms of condemnation of these phenomena do not exist in the society and when they are constantly perceived as ‘justified’. That’s how the teenagers are 'poisoned', which results in incidents," Janjic said.

Janjic has not ruled out the possibility of an even mass violence in Kosovo, as many political issues are not resolved, and European perspectives of the Western Balkans is questionable.

As he says, the continuation of such an attitude towards the Serbs will actually mostly compromise the international community in this region, and it will directly be a source of instability for the whole of Europe.
