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New project for return of displaced families to Kosovo (KiM radio,Tanjug)

PRISTINA - Representatives of the European Union Office in Kosovo and Kosovo's ministry for communities and return have launched a project worth up to EUR 6 million that should ensure the return of 250 displaced families.

The project will be implemented in seven municipalities - Pec/Peje, Istok/Istog, Klina/Kline, Obilic/Obiliq, Strpce/Shterpce, Suva Reka/Suhareke and Gnjilane/Gjilan over a 30-month period.

The project is part of a broader EU-funded return and reintegration programme aimed at creating a stable, tolerant and multi-ethnic environment in Kosovo that will ensure the basic human and minority rights.

Thanks to the programme, around 600 families have returned so far, the EU Office in Kosovo said in a statement on Wednesday.

The EU has earmarked EUR 4 million for the new project, while the Kosovo ministry for returns and communities has set aside EUR 2 million.

So far, the EU has pledged over EUR 55 million for minority communities across Kosovo, the statement said.