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Restlessness and anxiety due to Haradinaj’s candidacy (Kontakt plus radio)

Association of Relatives of the victims in Kosovo since 1998 warned that if Ramush Haradinaj is president of the new Kosovo government, the process of finding out the truth about the fate of more than 520 kidnapped Serbs will stop and the prosecution of war crimes will be completely halted.

The press release of the association stated that the life and safety of Kosovo Serbs probably will not be easier than it is today, and "certainly there will be no return of displaced Serbs to their ancestral homes."

"The helpless as we were in the past 16 years, we publicly ask Kosovo and international public whether they are aware to whom they entrust the destiny of the inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija, especially minority communities," said in a statement the association.

On several occasions Hague indictee, for who the prosecutor's office in The Hague required a multi-year sentence for crimes against the civilian population, was acquitted of all charges due to lack of evidence, as key witnesses against Haradinaj, officially more than ten, who were supposed to testify against him were killed, died under mysterious circumstances or disappeared, according to the Association of the Families of missing persons in Kosovo.