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"We expect continuation of the search for the bodies of the missing" (Kossev)

President of the Government Commission for Missing Persons Veljko Odalovic said he expected the continuation of the search of multiple locations for which there was information to contain the bodies of Serbs and non-Albanians killed during the armed conflict in Kosovo.

He also noted that there was no request from Pristina side which had not been met, for the search of locations in central Serbia, which might possibly contain the bodies of Kosovo Albanians and added that it will be so in the future.

"It is not our interest, that we do not find the remains of not only Serbs and other non-Albanians, but also Kosovo Albanians ... There is no difference in the approach in this process," said Odalovic to reporters.

According to him, a delay in checking locations in Kosovo was due to delays in the functioning of Pristina institutions, as well as because the President of Commission for Missing Persons in Pristina passed away.

Odalovic stated that the search of Livocko Lake was requested, as well as demining of Kosare. He added that he also does not give up on Zilivode, near Belacevac.

Odalovic also noted that a great job was before us and reminded that they did not receive any information from the archives of the so-called KLA, as well as from the ICTY and UNMIK.

He recalled that were searched two locations in the immediate vicinity of Novi Pazar.

"In previous years, near Medvedja we have checked two locations; we did the check of the location in Batajnica, because we received information that not all places have been excavated. We have also checked Petrovo Selo," said Odalovic.

Odalovic previously attended the presentation of the Rudnica project, where were identified the remains of 53 Kosovo Albanians, in the presence of international experts, and experts from Belgrade and Pristina.