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"Kosovo won't join UNESCO; they haven't even reapplied" (B92, Beta)

First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic assessed on Sunday that Kosovo would not succeed in joining UNESCO.

Speaking during the marking of the anniversary of the Gorazdevac crime, Dacic said that Pristina has not filed a new request for membership.

According to him, Pristina is "aware that Kosovo would not be able to gain enough votes, and that owing to Belgrade's diplomatic activity even those who abstained (in 2015) would vote 'no'."

"They do not stand a chance of joining UNESCO. For that they need votes, which they do not have," Dacic said, Beta reported.

According to him, Serbia has not worked very hard on lobbying in the past, but now Serbian diplomats are active in more than 20 countries "in order to dispel all their dilemmas as to Kosovo's possible entry into the UN education, science, and culture agency."

Dacic added that the EU was aware that he was spending most of his time in contacts with foreign diplomats on preventing Kosovo's UNESCO membership.

The minister said that he and President Aleksandar Vucic would take part in the UN General Assembly meetings in September, "where talks about Kosovo's UNESCO membership request will continue."

Pristina' original bid to join the UN agency failed in November 2015.