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Ruairí O’Connell: The army through the constitution but reach the Serbs on the ground (Blic, KoSSev)

Transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into the armed forces of Kosovo is not seen as a threat, it must be done through the constitution and it is important to reach the Kosovo Serb community on the ground in order to guarantee security and peace to everyone, says Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Pristina Ruairí O’Connell in an inteview with KoSSeV, reports daily Blic.

- The Kosovo Security Force (KSF) has always behaved completely professionally and I do not see the transformation of KSF into the army as a threat. But I think it is very important, especially for issues that are so sensitive - that there are on-going efforts to reach those people who are reasonably sceptical about such developments, especially when it comes to the Kosovo Serb community - he said in an interview with KoSSev.

O’Connell believes that "we are close to the Kosovo Armed Forces" and states that "things there, as the institutions, now are different than they were."

- They are trying to be represented throughout Kosovo, and to be as professional as possible in their actions and in what they work. What I find interesting is that they focus on recruiting members of the Serbian community - he says.

According to him, this year, 63 new Serbian recruits who were trained in KSF were integrated into the unit, which is a positive step.

As far as the Kosovo Army is concerned, the British ambassador, however, emphasizes that Kosovo must respect its Constitution and follow this way.

"I think that what we see now is very important - a genuine political effort to reach representatives of Kosovo Serbs in parliament and elsewhere, but also to reach the Kosovo Serb community. Such a thing is possible," he says.

He also regards as positive the fact that, as he said, the KSF now has two Serbian officers, who will command Albanian members of the KSF.

I think that this is an extraordinary element - an organization that is very symbolic for Kosovo, and you have Serbian officers who command the Albanians in uniform. This is a big step forward. There are others, he says.

When it comes to the Community of Serb Municipalities, O'Connor describes this issue as a complex one and does not think that the ZSO will be quickly formed, but points out that it is very important that the Kosovo government take other steps to allow the non-Albanian communities the opportunity to develop together with their neighbours, but also to ensure that they can fully enjoy their rights.

- I mean access to documents, the judiciary and respect for the Law on Languages. It is important that the government does so even without the Association, because these are the things it can do now - says the British ambassador, who emphasizes that one should not lose hope that the ZSO will be formed.

He also believes that Serbian state institutions in Kosovo will not suddenly be abolished, and that this is a gradual process.

On the eve of the official campaign for Kosovo's local elections, he says he visited North Mitrovica because he heard reports coming to the public from the Serbian community on intimidation and pressure on opposition parties.

"We've heard reports and we're worried. We're not the police. The time has passed when foreigners were to solve all problems in Kosovo, but we are democracy and we are interested in hearing what is happening in other democracies," says O’Connell.

As he says, when he hears stories about attack on cars of candidates, physical and verbal intimidation, dismissal from work, not only in northern Kosovo but also in other places in Kosovo, and there is a certain focus on the Serbian community, this is the reason for the concern of international representatives.

- I do not know if there is anything behind it and who would be responsible, but it is important to show that we are interested. Candidates are those who in particular have the responsibility to distance themselves from such activities and to do everything they can to prevent them. However, I think the police and the prosecution have a particularly responsible role to answer and investigate - he concluded.