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Srpska Lista to freeze communication with Hashim Thaci (RTS)

RTS reports Srpska Lista sent a letter to the Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, saying that his politics, in the segments related to the position of Serbs in Kosovo, is anti-constitutional, anti-legal and to the detriment of the Serb population. Therefore, as Srpska Lista announced they would freeze any form of communication with Hashim Thaci. The List also protests because Hashim Thaci, who signed the Brussels agreement, did nothing to establish the Community of the Serb Municipalities in line with the signed agreement, RTS reported. Srpska Lista also claims Thaci attempts “to infiltrate his agents into the Serbian political corpus,” and added “that the most brutal pressure on the justice system and the electoral process are exercised in Partes municipality, where legally elected representative of Srpska Lista is being removed while Thaci’s associates try to put at the helm of the municipality convicted rapist Nenad Cvetkovic”. Srpska Lista also mentioned negligence of the Serb language in the institutions, discrimination of Serbs and other non-Albanians in the Pristina institutions and negligence of the Serb population’ problems and interests as reasons behind such decision. Srpska Lista at the end said, the communication can be restored at the moment when Hashim Thaci stops political practice that Serbian population and Srpska Lista bring before the final act and force them to take such steps, RTS reported.