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UNS: Head of the US Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission, Shaun Byrnes - I searched for Perenic and Slavuj in vain

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) announced on its website in Serbian, Albanian and English a conversation with Shaun Byrnes, former head of the US diplomatic mission in Kosovo.

- When we visited the field, we came into contact with the KLA soldiers, and through them, with their commanders. We always asked them about the missing Radio Pristina crew, but we never got a satisfactory answer - testifies in an exclusive interview with the Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS), Shaun Byrnes, former head of the US Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission (KDOM).

He points out that "Fatmir Limaj seems to have the most influence" in 1998 in the region where Ranko Perenić and Đuro Slavuj were kidnapped.

- But that part overlapped with the influence of the KLA from the Pastrik zone that was concentrated in Prizren. Also, the units under the control of Ramush Haradinaj came to this location, whose dominant zones of influence were Pec, Decani and Junik, so you did not know who you are dealing with, and who really has the power. After the October 1998 agreement, I was meeting with senior KLA leaders twice a month, and I initiated this topic, particularly in conversation with Jakub Krasniqi, Ram Buja and Sokol Bashota. They routinely answered that they did not know anything, that they would investigate, check with the commanders. I do not know if they did, but we did not get any information - explains Byrnes for the UNS Dossier.

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