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Drecun: We are not satisfied with the overall result of EULEX (RTS)

Chairman of the Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told RTS that if an agreement is reached with Pristina, which will regulate the final status of Kosovo, it will be necessary for Serbia's citizens to declare on it. He points out that EULEX ending its mission ''in the southern Serbian province on June 14, will further destabilize the Serb people''.

Milovan Drecun, visiting the RTS News, said that it remains to be seen in what way the citizens of Serbia could declare about it - if an agreement with Pristina is reached, which will regulate the final status of Kosovo, and which would be completely different from what is imposed now as a unilateral solution.

"Whether it's a referendum, new elections, but both voting are democratic," Drecun said, adding that there is a strong resistance for both Pristina and the Western countries to talk about the status of Kosovo at all because they think this question was closed.

He pointed out that among the countries that did not recognize Kosovo, there are five EU members, adding that the largest countries in the world, both geographically and in terms of population, China, Russia and India did not recognize Kosovo.

He added that both Pristina and the Western countries count on the possibility of pressure, even blackmail, forcing Serbia to renounce part of its territory.

"The moment when to the leading Western states is absolutely clear that Serbia will not succumb to pressure, even at the expense of not entry to the EU, they will insist that the Kosmet problem to be solved by compromise - I think, then the West will have to go that way and give a directive to Pristina" said Drecun, adding that the US is the address that can be talked to.

Commenting on the allegations made by Pristina's coordinator for dialogue with Belgrade that the story of ZSO is a waste of time, Drecun said that then they should not even enter the process of normalizing relations.

"The key part of this agreement is the ZSO. We want to institutionalize the position of the Serbian people, its freedom and rights, to enable them to live normally, without being a factor of the second and third order, and which was why we joined the process of normalizing relations," says Drecun and pointed that this was an attempt to completely reject the Brussels process and the agreements that have been reached.

Commenting on the fact that on June 14, EULEX, after 10 years, ends its mission in Kosovo, Drecun said it was completely in contradiction with Resolution 1244.

"The institutions that operate in our southern province do not have the necessary capacity to ensure full respect for the rights of the Serbian people because they discriminate against it, which is why is necessary an active international participation in these institutions, not some kind of observer status. It seems to me that this essential reduction of EULEX mandate is going to be in full contradiction with Resolution 1244 and that it is fully aligned with the rejected Ahtisaari plan, which envisions the dynamics and steps towards full completion of the self-proclaimed statehood of Kosovo," Drecun said.

He added that by the advisory role changes the mandate and emerges from a status neutral framework, as well as that this decision would further destabilize the Serbian people and deprive them of the opportunity to "exercise their rights".

He said that the Serbian authorities were not satisfied with the overall results of EULEX but ''whatever it was, it presented some chance''.

Speaking about the investigation of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, Drecun concluded that in Pristina, and with the leading Western countries, there is no political will to solve it.

"Otherwise, we would have had a much more serious investigation. The first was an attempt to transfer responsibility to Belgrade, and when they did not succeed, they tried to put all this into oblivion ... Now we see some pointless arguments - a fog, cameras did not function. All this says that there is no political will to solve the murder of Oliver Ivanovic," Drecun said.