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Assembly Chairmanship suspends opposition deputies for the day (media)

Security has blocked the deputies from the Kosovo Assembly opposition parties and it does not allow them to climb to the alternative hall of the Assembly.

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, informed after the meeting of Assembly Chairmanship that the meeting would resume in thirty minutes, however, leaders and deputies of the Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), were not allowed to enter the Assembly hall.

Several security members have blocked the stairs which lead to this hall. Gazeta Express has learned that the session is expected to start in a few minutes at the main hall and not at the improvised one, and that deputies of the opposition appear to be excluded from the session. Opposition deputies threw again tear-gas at the beginning of today’s session at 11:00 hours. Haxhi Shala  from NISMA and Smajl Kurteshi from Vetevendosje Movement threw the tear gas this time. reports that Kosovo Assembly Chairmanship has suspended  for the day almost all opposition deputies who were present at today’s Assembly. Only Shukrije Bytyci and Ilir Deda were allowed to participate at the works of Assembly session.