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Rakic: International community to react to Haradinaj's threats (KiM radio)

North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakić says on the occasion of the latest threats of Ramush Haradinaj that it is not in the interest of the Albanian people also to be represented by those who advocate hatred and violence and called on the international community to respond to threats of Albanian leaders, which do not contribute to the stability of Kosovo.

Statement by Ramush Haradinaj, a former KLA leader, actually his  threat addressed to Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić not to "play with the Albanians" and not "not to mess with him," are only the continuation of threats, that Haradinaj directed towards Serbs and their leader," said Rakić.

"Unfortunately, some Albanian leaders do not want to understand and accept the policy advocated by Prime Minister Vučić, what is somewhat expected, but far more for concern, from their threats and hate speech, is the silence of the international representatives in Kosovo and even the entire European Union," said mayor of North Mitrovica.

Rakić says that the reconciliation of the Serbian and Albanian people in Kosovo is possible when ghosts of the past are cleared away.