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“Catherine Ashton would withdraw signature from Brussels agreement” (RTS, Tanjug, B92)

Serbia should not leave the Brussels agreement, however, it should insist to know the time-frame of its implementation, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in a show “Upitnik” aired on RTS.

“Pubic must understand that a dialogue on technical matters is currently being held, while a dialogue on permanent solution has not even started, since Pristina does not want such talks,” Dacic said.

He also expressed conviction that a former head of the European diplomacy Catherine Ashton would withdraw the signature from Brussels agreement, as she is, according to Dacic disappointed with its implementation.

“Either this agreement exists or not, either the EU would fulfil it or not, they are a guarantor, we should not deal with that,” Dacic added.

Asked how much it is realistic to establish the Association of Serb Municipalities on April 20th, given Pristina’s arrest threats, Dacic said that, contrary to what Albanians did during the nineties by establishing illegal institutions, Serbs are now doing what has been agreed.”

“They are all lying, they lie before the face of the international community, which remains silent to their lies”.

Commenting on a statement of the Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister, Enver Hoxhaj who said dialogue is impossible because of Serbia’s aggressive campaign to annul Pristina independence, Dacic responded with a question.

“Isn’t it an aggressive campaign when they go with USA, French and British ambassadors and ambassadors of Islamic states pushing other countries to recognize Kosovo? It is a peak of cynicism, and impudence.”

Dacic emphasized there is no stability in the region without compromised solution, and that solution has to honour Serbian interests also, adding “the dialogue should continue.”

Dacic repeated the only possible and swiftly implementable idea to the Kosovo issue is delineation, or division.

Asked about legally binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, Dacic responded that no one in the EU knows what it means.

“If Johannes Hahn does not, then I know even less.”

He also said Serbia will never recognize Kosovo independence.