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Drecun: Serbia will continue to keep Kosovo issue open in UN (RTS)

Chairperson of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun told RTS, Serbia would do its utmost, supported by friendly countries, to prevent decrease or cancellation of UN SC sessions on Kosovo and to keep them open to public.

Drecun said the more realistic reports on Kosovo are, the greater the pressure from countries such as France and UK is to marginalize the UN when it comes to the Kosovo issue.

He added, it is a pressure aiming to hide the truth that Kosovo is a failed creation and experiment created by NATO bombs.

Drecun touched upon reduced UNMIK’s presence in Kosovo, which also decreased its ability to influence what happens there. He said the UN SC 1244 is disputed by those who should protect it, adding it remains in force thanking to the symbolic presence of UNMIK in Kosovo.

Speaking about new Special Court for KLA crimes prosecutor, Drecun said it seems that someone, very powerful in the international community, by changing the prosecutor wanted to gain time because of Hashim Thaci, Ramush Haradinaj and several other crucial people.

“There would be postponement in rising indictments for a minimum one year. The previous prosecutor was ready for indictments and suddenly he had to leave the post,” Drecun told RTS.