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The issue of the villages of Preoce and Ugljare (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, Gracanica Radio)

Kontakt plus radio today has dealt with the issue of the residents of Preoce and Ugljare villages. The radio writes on its website that the citizens do not know anything about the possibility of becoming residents of Kosovo Polje. Recall the municipalities of Gracanica and Kosovo Polje adopted a decision on "arranging cadastral zones".

Kontakt plus radio reports that it is still unknown which parts of these two villages will belong to the Kosovo Polje municipality.

RTV KiM says that neither the Mayor of Gracanica Srdjan Popovic nor the Director of the Cadastre Department Nebojsa Sudimac responded.

RTV KIM reports that rarely some of the residents wanted to talk about this topic. They mostly said, according to the media, that they were not informed about the intentions of the representatives of two local self-governments, and that they did not know which parts of the village would belong to the municipality of Kosovo Polje.

One of the Ugljare residents said: "I do not know exactly, somebody says it will be from the school to the left. I think that this will be a good reason for selling houses and it will be really difficult to survive.''

Srdjan Zivkovic, the president of the village, was not informed of the "demarcation" either. He says he has learned about this decision from the media.

"I think (the decision) can be harmful to the Serbs who are in the municipality of Gracanica. Probably, the sale of Serbian properties and houses in the village would also be intensified," Zivkovic said.

"There was something about Marigona, but nobody told us anything, nor did anyone come from the Municipality. I did not take this seriously, but we better be in the municipality of Gracanica than to be a huge minority," said Zivorad Spasic from Preoce.

Ljubisa Cirkovic, the only Serb councillor in the Kosovo Polje Assembly, has tried to provide an explanation in the telephone statement.

"The settlement inhabited by Albanians in the territory of Preoce is Marigona. In Ugljare, it is a settlement called Emsirovo, a territory inhabited by Albanians. I do not know what the Albanians will get, but the Serbs are not losing anything. If the entire Ugljare merge with Kosovo Polje, then that would already be a problem, otherwise there are no problems. Factually, the entire Ugljare still belongs to the Municipality of Gracanica," Cirkovic said.

In the meantime, an initiative has been launched in the Municipality of Kosovo Polje to collect signatures of Ugljare citizens to join the municipality, KIM Radio reports, citing Pristina's Telegraphy portal.

This portal reports that one hundred ninety-one Albanian families living in the villages of Ugljare and Preoce signed a petition for joining the Municipality of Kosovo Polje.

This portal states that the inhabitants of these two villages in the municipality of Gracanica want to join the neighbouring municipality, because, as they stated, they perform all the necessary services in Kosovo Polje.

Albanian residents of Preoce and Ugljare asked the Ministry of Local Government and the Assembly to approve an agreement between the two municipalities.

However, RTV KiM has recently learned from its sources that there is an initiative in the Municipality of Kosovo Polje to conduct this petition in the whole of Ugljare, where there are also 650 Serbs.

This possibility raised concerns among the Serb population in Ugljare, KIM radio reports.

Radio Gracanica reported that Mayor of Gracanica held a meeting yesterday with the representatives of the village of Ugljare, where he also discussed, among other issues, and the discussion about the information that appeared in some media about the signing of a petition on joining the villages of Ugljare and Preoce to the municipality of Kosovo Polje.

"We heard petition information from some media. Last week, we scheduled a meeting with the representatives of the village of Ugljare about the security situation and finding a solution to the problems of the locals and improving the living conditions, but after the mentioned information, this issue was included as another item on the agenda, and I can say that neither the locals nor the representatives of the village they do not know anything about the petition," Popovic said.

Answers to the questions posed in the reporting of KIM Radio and Kontakt plus radio cannot been seen in the further text of the Radio Gracanica report.