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The issue of the villages of Preoce and Ugljare (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, Gracanica Radio)

Kontakt plus radio today has dealt with the issue of the residents of Preoce and Ugljare villages. The radio writes on its website that the citizens do not know anything about the possibility of becoming residents of Kosovo Polje. Recall the municipalities of Gracanica and Kosovo Polje adopted a decision on "arranging cadastral zones".

Kontakt plus radio reports that it is still unknown which parts of these two villages will belong to the Kosovo Polje municipality.

The problem with floods in Ugljare since the Highway was built? (Radio Gracanica)

Due to rain and snow melting, a dozen families in the village of Ugljare, near Kosovo Polje, last night spent a busy and sleepless night. The water began to retreat and the situation is now much better, reports Radio Gracanica.

"We have problems with the floods since the Highway was made, the water comes from Veternik, where the intersection is located; it is turned to flow towards the village," says a citizen of this village.

Veselinovic: Up to 11 hours voted about 10.30 % of the population (TV Most, Radio Gračanica)

A representative from the Serbian community in the Central Election Commission, Stevan Veselinović, told Radio Gračanica that the vote in Kosovo flows regular, with sporadic and technical problems that were resolved at the very moment.

"For now, everything flows well, except for some small, sporadic technical problems. There were some small incidents that were resolved at the very moment," Veselinović told Radio Gračanica.

The fifth time demolished the memorial plaque to the missing journalists (Radio Gračanica)

Unknown persons for the fifth time had taken the memorial of the missing Serbian journalits, which was located on the road Velika Hoca - Zočište.

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM) strongly condemns again the demolition of the memorial and seek from the international and the Kosovo institutions to find perpetrators of this vandalism.


Kostić, Bondi and Sparks on the priorities of the Municipality of Gračanica/Graqanicë (Radio Gračanica)

Kostić notes, in the meeting with Desk Officers in Washington in charge of Kosovo and Serbia, Kate Bondi and Tyler Sparks that the most important issues for the municipality are the economic links, tourism, culture and that it requires encouragement. In order to raise these important issues to a higher level, Kostić says that infrastructure needs to be improved.

The second day of protests in Gora (TV Most, Radio Gračanica)

Villagers of Vranište in Gora protested at the site where a few days ago began the construction of hydropower plant. The construction takes place on private land on the river in the village.

Villagers of Vranište several days peacefully protest and say they are not informed of the expropriation, nor did they have access to documents. In this way, their private property is taken, say the villagers, because the work is carried out on parcels in their ownership.