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“Drawing target on Vucic’s head” (Tanjug)

Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs, Nebojsa Stefanovic said that “the obvious aim of Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli claims, that Serbian President is Kosovo enemy, is to draw the target on Vucic’s head,” Tanjug news agency reported.

Stefanovic underlined that Vucic is no enemy to Albanians, or anyone else living in the territory of the southern Serbian province, instead he is fighting for the interests of Serbs living there.

Rakic: Serbian government’s assistance an example of how to fight for Kosovo (KiM radio)

President of the Serbian List and the Mayor of North Mitrovica Goran Rakic thanked Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Director of the Office for KiM Marko Djuric for the support they provided, reports KIM radio.

Rakic said that the projects, approved yesterday in support of the economic prosperity of Serbs in Kosovo, would significantly improve the lives of Serbs in Kosovo, adding that “this is also an example on how to fight for KiM, for the Serbian people living down there”.

Serbia prepares assistance of 4.5 billion for the Serbs in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

According to Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti the announced special economic package of the Government of Serbia for 'the rebirth of Serb communities in Kosovo, is worth as much as 4.5 billion dinars.

This ''capital plan'' will be discussed Tuesday in a joint session of the Government with Serb leaders from the territory of Kosovo, which will be attended and by President Aleksandar Vucic.

Djuric: The most comprehensive package of assistance to the Serbs in Kosovo (Serbian media)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has announced that at a joint session of the Government of Serbia and all representatives of Serbian institutions in Kosovo, will be approved ''the most comprehensive package of assistance for the Serbs in Kosovo'', emphasizing that initiative for the joint session came from President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, reports portal NMagazin, quoting Belgrade based TV Prva.

"Haradinaj has no courage to say Kosovo is not independent" (Tanjug, B92)

Ramush Haradinaj does not have the courage to tell his compatriots and voters that the self-proclaimed Kosovo is not independent. And Haradinaj dares not tell them that Kosovo is getting further away from independence every day, Director of the Serbian Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said.

Serbian reactions on passing laws on KSF transformation, Srpska Lista MPs insulted (RTS, Tanjug, BETA, Vecernje Novosti)

The so-called Kosovo army is an army being created to threaten Serbia and the Serbs, Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin said, in reaction to Kosovo Assembly passing the draft laws on Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) transformation, RTS reports today.

Vulin underlined he would talk today with the representatives of KFOR in Kosovo and that the conversation would regard Pristina's adoption of the laws on the Kosovo army.

Djuric: Territory swap with Kosovo not excluded (BETA)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said on Thursday that it was time for a compromise between Belgrade and Pristina and that an idea on the territory swap should not be discarded if it would lead to a solution, Beta news agency reported.

Speaking at the Belgrade Security Forum conference on the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue, he said Serbia should act with caution.

US Ambassador to UN asked for UNMIK withdrawal, Marko Djuric said Serbia would fight back (Serbian media, BETA)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said today that the United States intend to launch an exit strategy for the mandate of United Nations in Kosovo and Metohija, which he perceives as an initiative for the withdrawal of UNMIK mission from that territory, Serbian media reported.

Djuric: Jeremic will never again be able to harm this country (TV Most)

Vice President of the SNS Main Committee and Director of the Office for KiM, Marko Djuric, spoke about statements made today by Vuk Jeremic regarding Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and said that Jeremic proves again that his only program is the program of hatred for Aleksandar Vucic and that he is ready to sacrifice Serbian interests for the realization of his hate program, reports TV Most.

Djuric: There is no solution for Kosovo without agreement with Serbia (TV Pink, Tanjug)

There is no solution to the Kosovo issue without agreement with Serbia, Director of Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told TV Pink. He added Serbia wishes compromise solution, but would not accept any humiliating proposals.

Djuric said that yesterday’s decision of the Serbian delegation to leave the conference on EU common foreign and security policy in Vienna, because of the way Kosovo was presented, shows that nothing is resolved.