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VoA: Besieged Orthodox Church a Flashpoint of Kosovo’s Lingering Tension (Kossev)

A group of pilgrims drove six hours from Belgrade into the former Serbian province of Kosovo – to pray at this church. It is one of the most revered Serbian Orthodox Churches in the world, the 14th-century – Visoki Decani. It houses the tomb of King Stefan Decanski, considered by Serbs – a holy monarch. VOA reporter Jamie Dettmer has recently brought the story to U.S. viewers from the UNESCO protected Serb and world heritage site.

Talk of Kosovo Land Swaps Worry Serbian Faithful (VoA)

Decani, Kosovo - The stone steps leading into the medieval church where Serbian Orthodox worshipers enter are worn. In the half-light of the interior, some pilgrims reverentially lean on or drape themselves across the tomb of King Stefan Dečanski, considered by Serbs a “holy monarch.”

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'Nobody Likes The Truth,' says Veteran Serbian Human Rights Activist (VoA)

Nataša Kandić, the formidable Serbian human rights campaigner and Nobel Peace prize nominee, shrugs. “Nobody likes the truth,” she says.

For almost three decades Kandić has been a thorn in the side of those who butchered, raped and tortured during the Balkans wars of the 1990s. She documented abuses and massacres. She protested what was unfolding, cajoling and informing a shocked world, insisting it pay attention to the return of genocide to Europe, and to do something about it.


Palmer: No special pressure on Belgrade (Serbian media)

Acting Deputy Assistant US State Secretary Matthew Palmer says that America expects that Belgrade and Pristina, despite problems, continue their dialogue and he hopes for a normalization of relations by the end of the year.

Palmer told the Voice of America in Serbian language that America does not "put special pressure on Belgrade" in the direction of normalizing relations, that is, they make it on all participants in the negotiation process.

Slobodan Petrovic will support the ratification of the demarcation agreement with Montenegro (Kontakt plus radio, VoA)

The only Serbian deputy in the Assembly of Kosovo who is not part of the Serbian List, Slobodan Petrovic from the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) stated for the Voice of America that he would support the ratification of the demarcation agreement with Montenegro, reports Kontakt plus radio.

Top EU Diplomat: Enlargement Realistic but Not Binding Deadline (VOA)

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini is dismissing criticism of the newly released European Commission enlargement strategy for the Western Balkans.

Unveiled Tuesday, the strategy document says aspiring member nations Serbia and Montenegro in particular could become full members by 2025, assuming they successfully implement all required reforms and commit to “fundamental values” of the European bloc.


US congressmen nominate Serbian NGO head for Nobel Prize (B92, VOA)

Two US congressmen have nominated Natasa Kandic and the Humanitarian Law Center NGO for this year's Nobel Peace Prize.

Voice of America reported this on Thursday.

The nomination was submitted by US Congress Helsinki Commission Chairman Senator Roger Wicker and Representative Eliot Engel, ranking member of the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs.


Report Urges Permanent US Military Presence in Balkans (VOA)

The Washington-based Atlantic Council is calling for a permanent American military presence in the Balkans to stabilize southeastern Europe amid increased Russian efforts to exert political influence across the region.

In a report published Tuesday, the nonprofit international affairs group said that announcing the arrival of U.S. troops, ideally at Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, "would demonstrate an enduring U.S. commitment to security in the region and anchor the United States’ long-term ability to influence developments."
