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Kosovo top opposition leader, 2 other lawmakers arrested

PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) — Kosovo police on Friday arrested a top opposition leader and two other lawmakers accused of disrupting the work of the previous parliament with tear gas and violent acts.

Albin Kurti, Donika Kadaj Bujupi and Albulena Haxhiu of the left-wing Self-Determination Party were arrested while entering the parliament building.

Kosovo president accuses int'l community of not keeping word (AP)

Kosovo's president on Monday accused the international community of not keeping its end of the bargain after the country created an unpopular war crimes court to prosecute ethnic Albanians in cases linked to Kosovo's war.

Hashim Thaci said among the things that international officials promised in return were to fast-track Kosovo for European Union and UNESCO membership and visa liberalization, and allow Kosovo to form a military.

Russia is Raising Fears of War by Sending Jets, Tanks and Armored Vehicles to Serbia (AP)

Fearful of NATO and European influence, Russia made its first promised delivery of fighter jets to Serbia this week. More military-grade vehicles and anti-aircraft defense is expected to head to the longtime Russian ally in the near future as tensions increase in the Balkans region, according to the Associated Press.

US calls on Kosovo to ratify border deal with Montenegro (AP)

The United States on Monday called on Kosovo's political parties to ratify a border demarcation deal with neighboring Montenegro, saying the delay is damaging the Balkan state's credibility abroad.

The U.S. Embassy urged the government in Pristina to resubmit the ratification question to parliament. The embassy says the holdup also is hindering the ability of Kosovars to travel freely through Europe.