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AAK: Williamson’s investigations a step forward in clarifying allegations – KLA war just (Gazeta Blic)

The first political entity in Kosovo to react to the statement of findings presented today by the lead prosecutor of the EU Special Investigative Task Force (SITF), Clint Williamson, is the Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK). In a statement to the press, AAK noted that the party has watched the presentation of Williamson’s report with increased interest and considers that the SITF work is a step forward in clarifying allegations already known to the public. AAK also thinks the report is a huge step in establishing rule of law in Kosovo.

Leaders of opposition coalition to meet today (Gazeta Blic)

Leaders of the opposition coalition, Isa Mustafa (LDK), Ramush Haradinaj (AAK) and Fatmir Limaj (NISMA) will meet today at 12:00. A source within the coalition confirmed the meeting and said that leaders would discuss details about their government program. The source also said that coalition leaders will also meet Serb MPs today. “During the day there will also be a meeting with MPs from the Serbian List. We will discuss the government program with them too,” the source added.

Constitutional Court goes back to opinion of US judge Robert Carolan on candidate for prime minister! (Gazeta Blic)

One of the judges of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo did not agree with the decision of his colleagues for the President to nominate the candidate for the prime minister. Unlike the majority of judges, US judge Robert Carolan said he believed the decision was wrong and his opinion was published separately on the website of the Constitutional Court and later in the Official Gazette. Carolan argued that articles 84.14 and 95.1, which the President had doubts about, were in accordance with each other.

No Government until end of August or early September (Gazeta Blic)

Kosovo will remain without a government for at least a month and a half, sources said for Gazeta Blic and added that the Constitutional Court will reply to the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) in several days’ time.

“In the best case scenario, it will be beginning of August when the president of the country will propose Hashim Thaci, as the leader of the largest party, to form the government and he will have 15 days to do so”, the source said.

LDK-AAK-NISMA: All civil service recruitments in last six months will be reviewed (Gazeta Blic)

The coalition of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), issued a press release today saying that “the institutional vacuum created as a result of early elections and delays in establishing new institutions are seriously damaging public administration in Kosovo. Especially in the last six months, the outgoing government recruited a large number of party activists in Kosovo’s civil service without respecting any criteria.

Investigations into privatization of KEK distribution network (Gazeta Blic)

Law enforcement authorities are investigating the privatization of the distribution and supply network of the Kosovo Power Corporation (KEK). Sources in the EU Rule of Law mission in Kosovo (EULEX), which confirmed the investigations, said considerable material has been collected and that concrete results are expected. “Investigations are on the right track,” the source said. Meanwhile, EULEX officials could not confirm the start of investigations. The website recalls that the distribution and supply network was privatized two years ago for €26.3 million.

Konjufca: Bloc changed its mind, that’s why we didn’t vote for Mustafa (Gazeta Blic)

Glauk Konjufca, one of the leaders of the Vetevendosje Movement, told Klan Kosova that Vetevendosje MPs did not vote for Isa Mustafa as Speaker of the Assembly because there is no agreement yet between the LDK-AAK-NISMA bloc and Vetevendosje. “Last night we reached a draft agreement which was supposed to be signed this morning. But today the opposition bloc changed its mind. The Vetevendosje Movement made it clear that the vote for the Assembly Speaker should be included in the agreement, but the latter was not achieved.

The end of July expected to shatter Kosovo: indictments for war crimes, organized crime and corruption (Gazeta Blic)

Based on international sources in Pristina, Gazeta Blic reports that Kosovo will be shaken during the last week of June and the entire August, as never before since the 1999 conflict, due to the pressed charges and arrests of former and current Ministers and deputies. "Majority of them are key figures in Kosovo’s politics," these sources reportedly said in condition for their identity to remain unrevealed. The source said that party leaders, especially Mr.

Exclusive: This is how Arsim Bajrami is preparing Flora Brovina for Thursday's session (GazetaBlic)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), is already  preparing the scenario for the constitutive session of the Assembly of Kosovo on Thursday. Sources of this portal within PDK, reportedly said that PDK jurists chaired by Arsim Bajrami are preparing the scenario on the flow of the session.