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Yagcilar: We’re against elections, we support any other option (Gazeta Express)

Mahir Yagcilar, leader of the Turkish Democratic Party (KDTP) and MP from the parliamentary group 6+ that consists of representatives of Turkish, Bosnian and Roma minorities, told reporters in Pristina today that this group does not support the option of early elections. “We will support any party that offers a solution to the crisis,” Yagcilar said after a consultative meeting of the group. Asked if they would attend an assembly session called by the coalition bloc, Yagcilar said they would act in accordance with the latest decision of the Constitutional Court.

It was all a farce (Gazeta Express)

Imer Mushkolaj in an opinion piece claims that statements by the leaders of the post-election coalition that if the chairperson of Assembly’s constitutive session, Flora Brovina, doesn't call a session, they will elect the speaker on their own and then actually fail to do so, are nothing but “demagogical farce”. “We don’t need a farce in the light of another farce”, declares Mushkolaj.

Dead or alive (Gazeta Express)

Imer Mushkolaj writes in his editorial that bringing down Hashim Thaci is not the only reason that unites the coalition block. According to him, there are many hidden reasons that keep these parties together just as there are many hidden reasons why Hashim Thaci insists to remain the Prime Minister of Kosovo. These reasons put all of them in front of a “dead or alive” situation.

Haradinaj: PDK can organize elections only for themselves (Gazeta Express)

Ramush Haradinaj, the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), objected today once again, after a meeting with his coalition partners, the option of extraordinary elections.

According to him, Kosovo cannot go for extraordinary elections only because a single party pleases so.

“PDK can organize elections only for themselves, if they want to do so, because the parliamentary majority of 64 deputies already exists,” said Haradinaj.

Opposition bloc: Now we have the right (Gazeta Express)

The coalition of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative of Kosovo (NISMA) and the Vetevendosje Movement issued a joint statement after today’s session of the Kosovo Assembly. “The coalition of the LDK-AAK-NISMA and Vetevendosje Movement, after today’s constitutive session, takes note of the PDK’s failure to elect the Assembly President and to establish the Assembly. Even 100 days after general elections proved to be not enough for the PDK to secure a majority in the Assembly.

Police escorts Fuad Ramiqi to his home, LISBA reacts (Gazeta Express)

Fuad Ramiqi, leader of the Islamic Movement for Unification (LISBA), was arrested early this morning, and later in the day escorted by police to his home to be present during the raid. LISBA reacted against the arrest of Ramiqi and the imams saying that it “will organize protests and undertake legal measures in order to secure the release of those arrested”. “Today, Hashim Thaci’s police launched an action to arrest renowned imams and Fuad Ramiqi. LISBA is closely following these events.

Constitutional Court lacks quorum, it cannot review political cases (Gazeta Express)

The work of the Constitutional Court is now blocked after the resignation of U.S. judge Robert Carolan. Sources told Express that the Court no longer has the required quorum to address political cases. “The Court currently has seven judges, but Mr. Kadri Kryeziu cannot participate in the addressing of political cases because he was dismissed from such cases after he was seen attending a PDK rally in the latest national elections,” a source told the news website.

Mustafa: This is the plan for tomorrow's session (Gazeta Express)

Isa Mustafa, the leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), wrote in his Facebook profile about the plan for the Assembly session which will be held tomorrow.

“Dear citizens,

The constitutive session of the Assembly of Kosovo will be held tomorrow. We are going to this session more united than ever to find solution on building the democratic institutions, to open development perspective of the country and keep and strengthen partnership with the U.S and EU countries.