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What are the challenges of the Serbian List MPs? (RTK2)

In June, will be two years since the last parliamentary elections in Kosovo, where Serbs voted for the Serbian list which represents them in the Kosovo Assembly. During this period the Serbian MPS have been faced with many challenges, but these days, the Law on the Army of Kosovo is one of the current challenges, the adoption of which would open the door to formation of the Armed Forces.

“Serb MPs not informed or consulted about vote on Kosovo Armed Forces” (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Serb MP Nenad Rasic told the news site today that no one has informed or consulted Serb MPs about the voting on the law that will transform the Kosovo Security Force into the Kosovo Armed Forces. “Lately, we haven’t discussed this issue in the Serbian List, but our position remains the same. No one has discussed the matter with Serb representatives in Kosovo’s institutions … We have presented no conditions, and there have been no discussions or informative meetings. Kosovo’s authorities have not discussed the matter with Serb representatives.

Rasic: There was no request but we discussed about Prilluzhe (Telegrafi)

The Serbian List MP, Nenad Rasic, said today he was surprised by recent statement of the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa that there will be no municipality of Prilluzhe. Rasic said the Serbian List has not submitted the request to the government of Kosovo for the formation of a new Serb-majority municipality of Prilluzhe. “We didn’t submit the request, so I don’t know how the government could have rejected it without analysis and reasoning,” Rasic said.

Rasic: 17 and 18 March 2004 are the most terrible days in the history of the Serbs (Kontakt Plus radio)

MP of the Serbian List in the Kosovo Assembly and Chairman of the Progressive Democratic Party Nenad Rasic says the 17 and 18 March 2004 were the most terrible days for the Serbs in Kosovo. "With 4,000 Serbs expelled, over 800 houses demolished, 45 religious buildings burned, including the Church of Bogorodica Ljeviska in Prizren, and another 100 churches destroyed in just two days of violence, it can be said that these were among the most brutal of crimes" said Rasic.

Rasic: Early elections are the solution to the crisis (RTK2)

MP from the Serbian community Nenad Rasic said that the scenes from the last session of the Kosovo assembly were ugly and disturbing, adding that the opposition's discontent is understandable, but their mechanism of expression is inappropriate. He pointed out that the ruling coalition should seriously attempt to resolve the crisis. "To reach compromise, two sides are required, but now you have one side insisting on it, while the other side wants something unrealistic."
