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Rasic: A/CSM will not satisfy the interests of Serbs, but it is a great victory for Belgrade (Vecernje Novosti)

"Statute of the Association / Community of Serb municipalities (A/CSM) will not satisfy the interests of the Kosovo Serbs, but this will be a great success for Belgrade's policy towards Kosovo," said MP of the Serbian List in the Kosovo parliament Nenad Rasic. He added that the A/CSM is more a political issue than one that will have an impact on the life of the Kosovo Serbs. Rasic believes that there is little chance that the Serbian List will be united in the next elections.

Rasic: Attack on Jablanović’s house a terrorist act (KIM Radio)

MP from the Serbian List and chairperson of the Progressive Democratic Party, Nenad Rašić, today most sharply condemned today's bomb attack, which he described as terrorist act, on the house of Leposavić/Leposaviq Mayor, and requested from Kosovo Police and EULEX to react and find perpetrators.

“Bomb attack that could seriously jeopardize lives of innocent people is utmost terrorist and inhuman act,” said Rasic, and added that it was clear, by the damage caused, that intention was to kill.

The issue of survival is not resolved (Danas)

A large number of the members of the Serbian MIA and Civil protection who have lost their jobs, selection of Serbian judges and prosecutors for the Kosovo judicial system, Ivanovic’s case and seizure of the church property are the results of the Brussels agreement. In the long term they may endanger the survival of the Serbian people and its cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, claim current and former member of the Assembly of Kosovo, Nenad Rasic and Rada Trajkovic.

The risk of long-term emigration of Serbs (Danas)

Nenad Rasic, a deputy in the Assembly of Kosovo

At the time it was signed, the Brussels agreement was really a kind of turning point and the first historic step towards reconciliation between Belgrade and Pristina – and from the wider perspective Serbian and Albanian people. But its economic consequences caused fears that it will affect position of Serbs in Kosovo, and consequently initiate emigration of Serbs, due to the economic and security reason, said Nenad Rasic, President of the Progressive Democratic Party and MP in the Kosovo Parliament.

Rasic and Miletic: Interests of Serbs are realized in institutions (RTK2)

Nenad Rasic and Petar Miletic said that the Serbian List should return to the Kosovo institutions in order to defend the interests of the Serbian community. At the meeting in Gracanica were adopted ten points concerning the improvement of the position of the Serbs in Kosovo. The last point envisaged that the draft statute of the Community of Serbian municipalities will be submitted at one of future meetings of the Assembly of the Serbian municipalities. 

Kosovo Serbs seven years after independence (RTK2)

Kosovo Serbs today, on the seventh anniversary of the declaration of independence of Kosovo, share the fate of the whole of Kosovo society, such as poverty and unemployment.

One of the representatives of the Serbs in Kosovo institutions in 2008, when Kosovo declared independence, was also and the current deputy in Assembly of Kosovo, Nenad Rasic. Rasic told RTK2 that the Serbs then tried to find a compromise solution.

Kurti: Jablanovic’s dismissal, a good lesson for other ministers (RTK)

Albin Kurti, the leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, told RTK today that the dismissal of Communities and Returns Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic was a good lesson for all ministers of the Kosovo government. He said that the coalition of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) with the Serbian List was wrong. Kurti suggested that the PDK and LDK should respect the Constitution of Kosovo by including in the government people like Nenad Rasic "who don’t insult the people of Kosovo and respect the state of Kosovo".