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Development of women entrepreneurship needed (RTK2)

According to the official data, only 13% per cent of women in Kosovo have started their own business. With the goal of rising this percentage, the Agency for Investments and Support to Companies, which operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, in cooperation with the NGO “Women in Business”, is organizing a three day fair of the women entrepreneurship. The goal of the fair is integration of women in the society, promotion and expanding of women entrepreneurship.

Parts of plots owned by Serbs declared as streets (Vesti)

Serbs who live in Pristina municipality are outraged by a decision of local authorities to usurp their properties. Without any explanation the Municipality, headed by the Mayor, Shpend Ahmeti, from the ranks Self-Declaration (Vetëvendosje) Movement, has turned into streets the parts of plots owned by Serbs in the village Čaglavica and placed street name boards overnight.


The Church won’t be touched during excavations (KIM Radio)

The search for postmortem human remains will be conducted next week in the yard of the Church of Christ the Savior in Pristina, however the Church won’t be touched, said the head of the Kosovo Commission for Missing Persons, Prenk Gjetaj. He dismissed reports of some Belgrade-based media that intention of Pristina is to undermine the foundations of the Church.

Vetëvendosje and AKR reach coalition deal in Pristina (Telegrafi)

Vetëvendosje Movement and the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) have reached a coalition deal in the Municipality of Pristina. The deal gives AKR two municipal directorates, that of culture and agriculture. AKR, in turn, has four seats at the municipal assembly. Vetëvendosje recently reached a coalition deal in Pristina with the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK).

Serbian, Albanian PMs pay tribute to actor Bekim Fehmiu (B92, KoSSev)

The "Mirdita, dobar dan" ("good day" in Albanian and Serbian) festival was opened in Belgrade on Wednesday afternoon.

The annual presentation of the cultural and social scene of Kosovo is set to run until Saturday.

Organizers have said that their goal was "to bring together two societies aiming to overcome difficult consequences of the past and create conditions for a new start of young generations in the Balkans."

Vucic: I am not optimistic before the resumption of dialogue with Pristina (Blic)

The Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic says that Serbia is ready to continue dialogue with the Pristina authorities but that he is not optimistic because Kosovo officials are not willing to fulfil what has been agreed so far.

- I'm not very optimistic, although we will give all of ourselves ... I am not optimistic because in Pristina are not ready to meet what is the basis of the Brussels agreement - Community of Serbian municipalities - Vucic said at a press conference held in the villa "Bokeljka".

Licence for Telekom in exchange for area code (Politika)

Politika writes in today's edition that Pristina little has implemented from the Brussels Agreement. One of the unfulfilled promises is a licence for Telekom for fixed and mobile telephony on the territory of Kosovo.

This is the reason why Belgrade has not given permission to Austria to apply in the name of Kosovo, for the area code (303), which was part of the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.

Tonight without regime change for entry of vehicles on the Jarinje crossing (Blic)

The regime for vehicles with Serbian license plates did not change last night, as they were entering Kosovo after the midnight without test plates, even though Pristina previously announced that it will freeze the agreement on vehicle insurance.

As reported by Tanjug's correspondent from Jarinje, several vehicles with license plates NP, BG, KM smoothly something after midnight, after a routine check by the police at the crossing, have entered the north of Kosovo from the direction of Raska.