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Dacic: 'Maintaining a frozen conflict could lead to an armed attack in N. Kosovo (IBNA)

Serbia's Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic is in favour of a final solution to the Kosovo issue, considering that if the state of the frozen conflict is maintained, Pristina will intervene to dominate in northern Kosovo, where Serbs are a majority.Speaking to Vojvodina's public (RTV) television, Dacic reintroduced the issue of demarcation between Albanians and Serbs, a solution that essentially supports land swap.

Reactions in the EU on the arrest of Turkish nationals in Kosovo (Independent Balkan News agency)

The arrest of six Turkish nationals who lived in Kosovo and their extradition to Turkey, where they are accused by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has prompted a strong reaction in different EU circles.

Officials within the European Parliament and representatives of different organizations that handle human rights, have come out with appeals calling for the European Union to consider Kosovo as an ally of Erdogan’s Turkey and not as a country which aspires of becoming an EU member.

Amnesty International: Kosovo and Serbia did not cooperate in finding people who have gone missing (Independent Balkan News Agency)

According to Amnesty International, human rights around the world are at risk due to politicians who use “toxic and inhumane” rhetoric against ethnic or religious minorities, with the scope of strengthening their position in power.

In the annual report called “Situation of Human Rights in the World”, this organization says that over 1600 people remain missing since the last war in Kosovo.