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School in Suvi Do, near Lipljan damaged, Serbian pupils harassed (RTS, B92, Radio kontakt plus)

Several persons entered yesterday the schoolyard in the village of Suvi Do, near Lipljan, broke an entry door and harassed pupils who were on the sport playground, Serbian media reported.

Education staff from the school told RTS, pupils informed them that several men, speaking in Albanian and English, demolished the school entry door with metal bars. While they were approaching the school, these persons hurled insults and uttered obscenities to the Serb children.

Kosovo Police: The situation "calm and stable"; "incidents of a different nature" did not affect general safety (Kossev)

The Kosovo Police states that security situation in Kosovo is "calm and stable", reports portal Kossev.  "Occasional incidents of a different nature" did not affect the overall security situation - the Kosovo Police said in a statement.

Simic: Request to international representatives to prevent attacks against Serbs (RTS)

Member of Srpska Lista, Igor Simic told RTS Serbia’s progress does not go in favour of some people and that is why they are trying to drag Serbia into a vortex of instability.

Simic made these remarks commenting on frequent attacks against Serbs and their properties over the last days in Kosovo and Metohija.

He added it is about synchronized attacks in areas where Serbs are in minority, and their aim is to intimidate returnees and remaining Serbs in Kosovo.

Two Serb houses in centre of Vitina stoned (Tanjug, FoNet, RTS, RTV Puls)

Two Serb houses were stoned last night, after the midnight, in the centre of Vitina, Serbian media reported today.

One house belongs to Slobodanka Savic, while the other one belongs to a Kosovo police inspector, working in Gnjilane, Aleksandar Jacovic, whose car’s windshield is also broken, media further reported.

The cases are reported to the Kosovo police and there are no injuries apart from material damage caused.

Following the March pogrom in 2004, around 40 Serbs remained living in Vitina.

Kosovo media refute their own reports about Serbian troops (BETA, Tanjug, B92)

Several hours after publishing them, Pristina-based media denied their own stories about deployment of Serbian troops to the boundary with Kosovo, Serbian media write today.

Serbia deployed "armed troops to the border with Kosovo," media in Pristina reported earlier, according to the Beta news agency.

"This is the first time since 2008 and the declaration of independence that Serbia has sent soldiers and Gendarmes so close to the border with Kosovo," the report continued.

Staro Gracko: Life with swearing and insults (KIM Radio)

Serbs who have remained in Staro Gracko after the conflict, on a daily basis are facing provocations by young Albanians living in that part of the village, Gorica Matovic, whose family members were injured in an incident on Wednesday, told RTV KIM.

The situation, following the incident, that left three Matovic family members injured, including a 6-month old baby, is calm but tense, RTV KIM further said.

Four minors arrested over incident in Novake village (KoSSev)

Kosovo police detained four minors suspected over yesterday’s incident in the ethnically mixed village of Novake near Prizren, the Kosovo police confirmed last evening, KoSSev portal reported.

“As far as the case is concerned, four suspects were arrested – three women and one male, all minors, against whom procedure was conducted in accordance with the law.“

The police confirmed that „several patients’ protocol books“ were torched so the case was characterized as minor damage to property.

Incident in Staro Gracko, three Serbs injured (RTS, Tanjug)

Three persons of Serb ethnicity are injured in clash with Albanians and due to police intervention in the village of Staro Gracko, nearby Lipljan, RTS correspondent Andrija Igic reported.

A medical care was provided to injured persons, including a 6-month old baby, in a health house in Laplje Selo. Police detained one Albanian and one Serb, RTS further reported.

Injured Serbs are from the same Matovic family. The oldest Gorica said that group of Albanians was verbally harassing her daughter in law and a neighbour while they were walking in the village with their children.

Jevtic: Attack on children dangerous provocation (KIM Radio)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic said that last night incident in the village of Staro Gracko when children were attacked is a dangerous provocation, KIM Radio reports.

He added, it is even more dangerous because a six-month old baby who was in arms of her mother was also injured.