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Vucic met US Under-Secretary of State Hale (B92, Tanjug, RTS, TV N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with US Under-Secretary of State David Hale, B92 reports. The situation in Kosovo and Metohija was the main topic of discussion, given that Hale after Belgrade is scheduled to visit Pristina.

Following the meeting, the US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott wrote on Twitter account that “re-starting the dialogue is not an easy job, but Serbia’s future prosperity depends on achieving progress in relations with Pristina.”

Council for National Security meets after Pristina platform (BETA, Tanjug, RTS, B92)

The session of the Serbian Council for National Security, convened by President Aleksandar Vucic, started a little after 08:30 hours CET on Friday in Belgrade.

The meeting is attended by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, security agency BIA chief Bratislav Gasic, First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin, Army Chief Lieutenant General Milan Mojsilovic, Director of the Police Vladimir Rebic, and other officials.

Dveri MPs almost caused incident in Serbian Parliament over Kosovo (BETA)

Member of opposition Alliance for Serbia (SzS) Dveri Movement MPs Bosko Obradovic and Marija Janusevic raised the banners saying, “No Division, No Surrender”, “You Betrayed Kosovo” and “Kosovo is Serbia” at the beginning of a meeting of the Serbian National Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, BETA news agency reported. The banners also included “One in Five Million” slogan used by the civic protests across Serbia.

Djilas says situation bad for Kosovo Serbs who don’t support Vucic (N1, Beta)

Serbian opposition leader Dragan Djilas said during his visit to Kosovo that he understands what local Serbs have to go through if they don’t support President Aleksandar Vucic.

“After the organized verbal assault and insults by local bullies, I realized once again what people living in Kosovo go through if they don’t support Aleksandar Vucic,” Djilas told Belgrade daily Danas. The Alliance for Serbia founder visited Kosovo on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Alliance for Serbia: Vucic confirmed he is one step away from agreement on delineation (Danas, BETA)

The Alliance for Serbia (SzS) stated yesterday that President Aleksandar Vucic with his statement to Italian news agency ANSA, saying “Serbia cannot recognize Kosovo, and get nothing in return,” confirmed he is just a step away from “a private arrangement” to permanently delineate Serbia with Kosovo, Danas daily reports.

Danas: West supports Vucic because of Kosovo (Danas)

Belgrade-based daily Danas writes that West does not trust the opposition in Serbia would conclude the agreement with Kosovo, because of Dveri Movement, which is a member of the Alliance for Serbia (SzS), while other members of the Alliance “have no clear responses and attitudes in relation to the recognition of Kosovo independence.”

"It's my duty to explains to Serbs importance of compromise" (BETA, Tanjug, ANSA, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic ha told Italy's ANSA agency that a compromise must be reached before solving the Kosovo problem.

"We cannot recognize Kosovo without getting anything from the other side," Vucic was quoted as saying in the interview he gave ahead of the visit to Serbia of Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Wednesday. However, Beta agency said that this statement was included "in the first version of the interview" - but that ANSA "decided later to leave this sentence out of it."

Vucic: An espionage network created case against Milan Radoicic (KoSSev)

“An espionage network created a case against Milan Radoicic. By expelling Radoicic from Kosovo, Pristina wanted to weaken the Serb defense of the north of Kosovo because they knew that Radoicic was one of the key figures. They are waiting for a favorable moment to attack Serbs in the north of Kosovo,” Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic told RTS, KoSSev portal reports.

He also reiterated that Pristina and Belgrade are far from a solution.

Alliance for Serbia: Thaci’s statement evidence that Vucic negotiates handover of Serbian municipalities (Danas)

Alliance for Serbia (SzS) assessed yesterday that statement of Kosovo President Hashim Thaic on the agreement with Belgrade by which Kosovo would get Bujanovac, Medvedja and Presevo municipalities “is yet another evidence” that President Aleksandar Vucic negotiates the handover of the Serbian municipalities, concealing this fact from the public, Danas daily reported.