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Kosovo is trembling from the Williamson’s report (Politika)

The statement of EULEX Chief Investigator, Clint Williamson, that he possess the indisputable evidence to press charges against several former senior KLA officials for war crimes - has caused a hush in the Kosovo Albanian public.

Excluding public statement that the report "will end doubts about unproved accusations," in Pristina press are prevailing restrained, but worried reactions of political parties, and only some local political analysts have the courage to say that the report is a heavy burden for Kosovo.

Del Ponte "would go back to prosecute KLA" (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Former Chief Hague Prosecutor Carla del Ponte has said she would be willing to return to The Hague to prosecute the leaders of the KLA.

Asked whether she felt the need to go back to the courtroom for this reason, Del Ponte responded affirmatively in a statement for the Belgrade-based daily Večernje Novosti.

"Especially now that I'm in the UN Commission on Syria. I always thought that the victims need justice," she added.

A handful (Vesti)

After three years, which the EU team has spent on working on human organ trafficking investigation after the war in Kosovo in 1999, we got the following outcome:
- no evidence for organ trafficking, what doesn’t mean that there won’t be any in future
- even if there would be evidence it doesn’t mean that all missing Serbs, Roma and ‘disloyal Albanians’ have ended up under a knife
- investigators don’t know exactly where several hundred missing Serbs ended up, but they know that they did not end up in infamous ‘Yellow House’


The truth will set us free (gazetaexpress)

According to Imer Mushkolaj, claims of the prosecutor Clint Williamson do not represent news for Kosovo population. Such claims were made earlier however this time, they come “wrapped” in a special report and they are expected to be proved at a court. “Immediately after the publication of the report, individuals, organizations and institutions found comfort on the fact that the prosecutor did not find facts for organ trafficking, despite the fact that he stated that there were such cases and investigations will continue.

Williamson: If there were a special court, I’d file indictments today (Koha)

A day after the publication of the main findings from the three-year investigation, EU Special Investigative Task Force (SITF) lead prosecutor Clint Williamson said that if the special court were in place, he would be ready to immediately file indictments against the most senior figures of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

Even though he hesitates to mention the names of those that are expected to be indicted, he says that the Special Task Force has the names.

Moscow: results dispelling myth of KLA’s “just struggle” (International Radio Serbia)

The results of the EULEX’s special investigative task force have dispelled the myth of the “just liberating battle” of the KLA, which was used, among other things, to justify the independence of the Serbian province of Kosovo, unilaterally proclaimed by the former leaders of that terrorist organization, stated the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
