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Schwendiman: Specialist Court to be functional asap (Tanjug)

Lead Prosecutor of the European Union Special Investigative Task Force (SITF) David Schwendiman welcomed the Kosovo assembly's adoption of constitutional amendments and the law paving the way for the setting up of the specialist court, as a step towards addressing the claims of war crimes committed by the KLA, and called for the establishment of specialist chambers and prosecutor's office as soon as possible.


Schwendiman encouraged by formation of special court (Telegrafi)

The Lead Prosecutor of the European Union’s Special Investigative Task Force (SITF), David Schwendiman, said on Monday he was encouraged by the adoption of the legislation for the formation of the special court in Kosovo. “The Kosovo Assembly adopted the constitutional amendments and the law that makes way for the formation of the Specialist Chambers and the Office of the Specialist Prosecutor,” Schwendiman said in a media statement.

Meucci: If Kosovo establishes special court, EULEX to close task force on war crimes (Telegrafi)

The head of the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), Gabriele Meucci, said today that if the Assembly of Kosovo adopts the constitutional amendments that enable the establishment of the special court, EULEX would close the Task Force that  investigates alleged crimes that happened during the war in Kosovo. "If the Assembly approves constitutional amendments, the task force and specialized chambers would become part of the Kosovo legal system.

Witness protection program for special court is ready (Radio Kosova)

Witness protection remains an obstacle to the Kosovo judiciary, especially in cases of organized crime and war crimes, reports Radio Kosova. So far, according to the reports of international organizations, it is estimated that at least 12 protected witnesses of various judicial processes have been killed.

Kuci: Special Court depends on EU-Netherlands negotiations (Indeksonline)

There is still no set date when the Assembly will convene to change the constitution to enable the establishment of a special court that will investigate allegations of war crimes and organ trafficking in Kosovo. According to the Minister of Justice, Hajredin Kuci, the Assembly session on the issue will depend on the successful conclusion of negotiations between the EU and the court’s host country, the Netherlands.

EU names new prosecutor in Kosovo organ trafficking probe (AFP)

BRUSSELS – The EU named a new prosecutor on Thursday to investigate possible crimes against humanity, including murder and organ trafficking, by several leaders of Kosovo’s 1990s guerrilla army, some of them now senior officials.

Lawyer David Schwendiman succeeds fellow U.S. national, Clint Williamson, a diplomat and prosecutor who headed the Special Investigative Task Force into events after Kosovo’s 1998-1999 war.


Ban requests establishment of Special Court by early 2015 at the latest (Koha)

The paper reports on page two that United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, in his quarterly report on Kosovo, has called on Kosovo institutions to establish, by early 2015 at the latest, the Special Court that will handle allegations of war crimes committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army. In his report, Ban talks about the political situation in the country, with special emphasis on the northern part of Mitrovica following tensions after the construction of the Peace Park on Ibër/Ibar River.

Diplomacy with “tied hands” (Danas)

The statement of the prosecutor of the EU Special Investigation Team, Clint Williamson, on the findings of an investigation into the trafficking in human organs in Kosovo, although with the status “temporary announced until a special court for the crimes of the KLA will be established”, provides space for diplomatic and political action of official Belgrade in the fight for Kosovo, believe our diplomatic sources.