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Selimi: End of war crimes investigations will improve Kosovo image (Koha)

Deputy Foreign Minister, Petrit Selimi, considers that the end of war crimes investigations in Kosovo will help in improving Kosovo’s international image. Speaking about Special Investigative Task Force (SITF) report, Selimi said that any report that mentions war crimes makes Kosovo return to the war period in the eyes of the world. He said by demonstrating seriousness as a country towards this report and the trials that will follow, Kosovo will be able to strengthen its image in the world.

Selimi: KLA should be treated separately (Politiko)

Rexhep Selimi, one of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) founders and Vetevendosje MP, said that what the EU Special Investigative Task (SITF) prosecutor, Clint Williamson, presented were the results of a two-year investigation which produced no evidence that KLA committed crimes.

Selimi said the report which “claims and presupposes” that crimes were committed against Serbs and others but without containing names or bodies of victims comes at a time when bodies of Albanian victims are still being recovered from mass graves of Serbia.

Del Ponte "would go back to prosecute KLA" (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Former Chief Hague Prosecutor Carla del Ponte has said she would be willing to return to The Hague to prosecute the leaders of the KLA.

Asked whether she felt the need to go back to the courtroom for this reason, Del Ponte responded affirmatively in a statement for the Belgrade-based daily Večernje Novosti.

"Especially now that I'm in the UN Commission on Syria. I always thought that the victims need justice," she added.

SITF report speaks less of Kosovo and more of international community (Koha Ditore)

Former head of economic division for the International Civilian Office, Andrea Capussela, writes in an opinion piece for the paper that there was nothing new in the report presented by the EU Special Investigative Task Force (SITF) lead prosecutor Clint Williamson apart from one thing: the report authored by Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty was accurate, in essence, even on the part of organ harvesting.

Osmani: Williamson’s report, bitter and good news (Telegrafi)

Democratic League of Kosovo MP, Vjosa Osmani, said the report of the Special Investigative Task Force prosecutor Clint Williamson is both good and bitter news and called for justice for all victims.

She said Williamson’s report is bitter for Kosovo’s international image and that “it is enough to only read international media in the last two days to understand this”.

Troubles with Thaci, all rely on Serbs (Danas)

Pristina, Belgrade - Political analysts from Belgrade and Pristina, Dusan Janjic and Fatmir Sheholi agree that the report of the Head of a special team to investigate allegations of human organ trafficking Clint Williamson, although did not announce the names of the responsible, is going to speed up the solution of post-election political crisis in Pristina and the formation of new Kosovo government.