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Troubles with Thaci, all rely on Serbs (Danas)

Pristina, Belgrade - Political analysts from Belgrade and Pristina, Dusan Janjic and Fatmir Sheholi agree that the report of the Head of a special team to investigate allegations of human organ trafficking Clint Williamson, although did not announce the names of the responsible, is going to speed up the solution of post-election political crisis in Pristina and the formation of new Kosovo government.

They, however, do not share the same opinion on the future composition of the ruling coalition. Janjic expects the future coalition to join the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, while Sheholi claims that the new government will make the Democratic League of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj and the Initiative for Kosovo Fatmir Limaj. In both cases is counted on the Serbian list and the minority representatives.

- Williamson was clear, the formation of the Parliament and the Government of Kosovo is expected soon, in order to take all the necessary steps so that the Special Court and the trial starts at the beginning of 2015. This means that there is no place for early elections. Assembly majority cannot be formed without the Democratic Party of Kosovo. Likely that Limaj will drop out and instead it will be the Democratic League of Kosovo, Democratic Party of Kosovo, and Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, the Serbian List and minorities. Later it will be decided on the Prime Minister, which will depend on the international community - explains to Danas Dusan Janjic.

He points out that the international community "prefers discredited politicians, because they know their weak points and where to pressure."

- This is the case not only in Kosovo but throughout the Balkans, including Serbia. The Williamson report discusses several KLA leaders, and Thaci or Haradinaj's name are not included. Tachi is not in the Dick Marty’s report but specifically mentions Fatmir Limaj, with whom the Serbian list wants to form a coalition. Names will not be released until February, and it will not affect the formation of the new Kosovo government - said Janjic.

Fatmir Sheholi expects the report to facilitate the post-election coalition LDK, AAK and the Initiative for Kosovo to form the majority with the Serbian list and minorities. He points out that "the Kosovo society has to deal with the findings of Williamson's investigation, because it is the step that opens the process for the Kosovo future." He denies that without Thaci there is no political stability in the ruling coalition as "Kosovo has no time for destabilization."

Asked what would happen if there is no indictment for Thaci, but Limaj, Sheholi responds that it will not be a problem for future coalition because "Kosovo has already been in a similar situation when Ramush Haradinaj as prime minister went to the Hague tribunal."

- The Williamson report mentions three bad things for Kosovo: Ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity after the war and trade in human organs, about what the investigation continues. Those who will be indicted should voluntarily surrender for the sake of Kosovo - highlights Fatmir Sheholi.

Closet full of skeletons

- The first impression is that Thaci suffered the most from the Williamson report, but that does not mean anything when it comes to the new government. However, this report will have major long-term consequences for Kosovo, because the West has got a convenient mechanism to pressure the Albanian politicians in Kosovo. It's a closet full of "skeletons" that will be drawn as needed; U.S. interests will be protected over the Albanian politicians. The report will be used for manipulation, because the question is how to open the processes and follow the evidence that lead to the West, and that someone from the West is not responsible - told Danas, Dusan Prorokovic the Center for Strategic alternatives.