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Decan/Decane historians to block the road at Monastery (Klan Kosova)

The Association of Kosovo Historians “Ali Hadri” Decan/Decane branch, has informed that they will peacefully block the road to the Decani Monastery on Friday, 28 April 2017, from 11:00 to 12:00 hours.

According to them, this blockade of the road represents objection to the decisions of Kosovo justice institutions, which are trying to recognize in a violent manner ownership of the properties and enterprises “Apliko” and “Iliria” to the Decani Monastery.

Higher education bill fails to get parliamentary committee approval (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly’s committee on education, science, technology, culture, youth and sports failed to endorse the draft law on higher education due to lack of quorum. Representatives of the opposition parties walked out of the committee’s meeting after accusing the government of heeding Serbian List demands by withdrawing the bill from the voting procedure at the Assembly. At the same time, committee’s chairman from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Nait Hasani, admitted he believed the draft law to be political.

Gecaj: Teodosijevic’s nomination, one more case of integration (Klan Kosova)

The decision of the Prime Minister, Isa Msutafa, to nominate Ivan Todosijevic on the duty of the Minister of Administration of Local Government, has raised many reactions. However, Mustafa’s adviser, Bajram Gecaj, said that the nominations should be seen as further integration of Serbs.

EU requests implementation of the constitutional decision on Decan/Decani land (Klan Kosova)

The European Union has expressed concern with regards to continued lack of implementation of the 20 May 2016 Constitutional Court ruling on the land dispute case in Decan/Decane. “Decisions by Kosovo's highest legal authority are conclusive and must be implemented. The EU calls on authorities at all levels to demonstrate respect for the rule of law as a fundamental democratic principle. Full implementation of the ruling should take place without delay,” notes a press release issued by the EU Office in Kosovo.

Mustafa: No decision for early elections (Klan Kosova)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, dismissed media reports that Kosovo is heading to early elections in a month’s time saying there is no decision for a coalition breakup between his Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Mustafa made the comments today at the inauguration of a project for expanding the existing Pristina-Veternik road.

Delawie: Terrific news for Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, supported endorsement of the new Law on Execution of Pnal Sanctions, considering it a concrete step in the war against corruption.

“The Assembly took a concrete step to fight corruption today by passing the Law on Execution of Penal Sanctions. Terrific news!” Delawie wrote on his Twitter account.

Digging at mass grave in Raska starts today (Klan Kosova)

Digging in order to find the mortal remains of Kosovo Albanians in Raska, Serbia, starts today. The news was confirmed by the head of the Commission for the Missing, Prenk Gjetaj. He said that the diggings will take place in Kizavec , and that this is the fifth continuance of the previous works there.

Gjetaj added that according to the information that they have received from the Serbian party, these diggings are expected to be the final ones on finding the bodies of the Albanians killed during the last conflict in Kosovo.

Tanin: Only UN Security Council can shut down UNMIK (various media)

The Committee for Foreign Affairs, met today with Zahir Tanin, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General. After the meeting which lasted more than two hours, Tanin said to the media that UNMIK is a decision of the Security Council and that this is the reason why they are here. He also said that they will be in Kosovo as long as the Security Council wants them to be.

Stojanovic: There are more pressing problems in Kosovo than creation of army (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister from the Serbian List, Branimir Stojanovic, said there are many other problems in relations between Albanians and Serbs which need to be addressed before considering establishment of Kosovo army. “Albanians and Serbs have learnt little from the past because if they had learnt more, things would now be different,” Stojanovic is quoted. “As a society we are polarized a great deal. If [KSF] transformation goes ahead, the quality of life will not change that much. The problem of Albanian-Serb relations is huge and quite old.

Thaci: No one can use veto on establishment of Kosovo’s army (Koha)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said that establishment of Kosovo’s army is already a necessity. “I have undertaken the legal initiative for KSF being convinced that all the possibilities to create it through the Constitution were exhausted. This also came as a need being that Kosovo cannot be part of NATO without an army. The common denominator is that Kosovo institutions, parliamentary parties as well as the civil society and the citizens are for the army,” Thaci said at a debate organized by FOL Movement.