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Government of Kosovo observes minute of silence for Ivanovic and Musliu (Indeksonline)

Government of Kosovo held today is routing meeting which started by observing a minute of silence for the Kosovo Serb leader, Oliver Ivanovic, killed last week in Mitrovica North. Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj expressed the commitment of the government and relevant institutions to resolve the case. The government cabinet also observed a minute of silence for the Albanian leader from the Preshevo Valley, Jonuz Musliu, who passed away last week.

Only 5 of 71 deputy ministers are women (Koha)

The first meeting Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj had with 71 deputy ministers displayed the fact that the vast majority of these newly-appointed officials are men, Koha reports. It adds that of all 71 deputy ministers only five are women and that while the government has received a lot of complaints for the record number of deputy ministers, not a lot has been spoken about the low number of women represented in the government of Kosovo.

Commission for Return and Community Affairs established (KIM Radio)

Inter-ministerial Commission for Return and Community Affairs was established yesterday, following the proposal of the Kosovo Minister for Return and Communities, Dalibor Jevtic, KIM Radio reported.

By this decision two inter-ministerial commissions from the previous government were united, aiming to unite actions of the ministries in resolving the issues affecting the return process and the situation of non-majority communities in Kosovo.

Haradinaj presents reports of his government’s first 100 days (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, presented to President Hashim Thaci and Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli, report on his government’s work during the first 100 days in office.  Haradinaj said it was not an easy period but that he was glad the 100 days coincide with the timing of the agreement for construction of a new power plant. The report will also be distributed to Assembly MPs.

PM Haradinaj presents his government’s four-year programme (Kosovapress/Koha)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, presented before the Assembly today the government’s programme for the next four years saying it encompasses fields such as the rule of law, economic development and employment, Euro-Atlantic integrations and sectorial development. Haradinaj said the government’s objective is to change the legal framework in the criminal code field and carry out a full review of the rule of law sector.

Government sends the report on the border with Montenegro to the Assembly (RTK)

The government of Kosovo has decided to send the report of the Commission for demarcation of the border with Montenegro, as well as the agreement signed in 2005 to be proceeded at the Assembly. All members of the government voted for except for one abstention.

Prime Minister Haradinaj said the practice of the reporting at the government is not usual and that they made an exception for this commission.

Kosovo Government to pay quarter million euros to SOC (Tanjug)

The Kosovo Government adopted a decision to pay rent for the premises, owned by the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) in Pristina, used for a long time by Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency, Tanjug news agency reported today.

The decision, adopted unanimously, says that a debt in the amount of almost 285.484 euros, covering the rental period since 15 July 2016 till today, would be paid to the SOC.

Government of Kosovo not to attend festivities in Vlora, Albania (media)

Media report that representatives of the government of Kosovo will not be attending activities in Vlora today marking the anniversary of Albania’s independence.  According to the media the reason behind the cancellation of the visit is the meeting Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj is scheduled to have today with a senior U.S. official. Instead of the government cabinet, the festivities in Vlora will be attended by President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci.

Government of Kosovo sets the amount of pension for victims of sexual violence during conflict (KP)

Kosovapress reports that the government of Kosovo has set the amount of the monthly payment the victims of sexual violence during conflict in Kosovo will receive at €230. Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Skender Recica, said the decision guarantees the start of a serious process to help victims of sexual violence. The government also established the secretariat of the commission for recognition and verification of the status of victims of sexual violence during conflict.

Ratification of demarcation heading towards failure (RFE, RTK)

The government of Kosovo and PM Ramush Haradinaj do not withdraw from their pretentions to prove that the agreement on the border demarcation with Montenegro, signed in August 2015, was wrong.

The government did not shake even after the “scolds” of the President Hashim Thaci, the European Union and lately, the U.S. Embassy in Pristina.