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Covic: Some evil is being prepared for Serbs in Kosovo (Telegraf, Tanjug, B92)

Former head of the Coordination Centre for Kosovo and Metohija Nebojsa Covic, believes that "some evil is in store" for Serbs in northern Kosovo. In his view, Pristina authorities, with the support of their foreign mentors, are planning to "round off their sovereignty in the whole territory of Kosovo and Metohija."

Djuric: We will knock on all doors to make Pristina revoke tariffs (BETA, TV N1, RTS)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said on Saturday that he spoke to US officials in Washington about ending the tariffs which Pristina introduced for Serbian products and said he will “knock on every door” in the world to present Serbia’s arguments.

Djuric told Serbian public broadcaster that he spoke to US State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary Matthew Palmer and representatives of the US Congress, the US National Security Council, and the US Senate and informed them of the situation Serbia is currently in.

Blic: Battle for supremacy over Europe to be decided in Kosovo (B92)

The battle for supremacy over Europe is being fought between Germany and the US, and it could be decided in Kosovo, Belgrade based daily Blic writes on Friday.

For Germany, Kosovo is an independent state and there is no further discussion about border change, Blic says, and reminds that German parliamentarians Peter Beyer and Christian Schmitd conveyed this message to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic two days ago.

Drecun: Washington's offer will not be on the table for long (Serbian media)

Serbia should use the maneuvering space that Washington opened with the arrival of the Donald Tramp administration, and find a different solution than what the Germans, the British and the Albanians want, says the chairman of the Assembly's Committee for KiM, Milovan Drecun to Belgrade based TV Pink.

Will Mogherini sit down again between Vucic and Thaci? (Vecernje Novosti)

Although European Commissioner Johannes Hahn yesterday said that he hopes for the soon continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, analysts from Belgrade do not share his optimism, writes Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti.

Drecun: London’s warning political maneuver (Tanjug, Dnevnik)

A warning London has sent to the British citizens saying they should not travel to the north of Kosovo resembles more a political maneuvre that has something else in its background, and not security threats, interlocutors told Tanjug news agency. They also noted if British services have such information, they should share it with Belgrade, Pristina and KFOR.

Serbian Government hires US law firm as lobbyist (VoA, TV N1)

The Serbian Government has hired the Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP firm to lobby for its interests in Washington, the Voice of America reported on Tuesday.

According to a document filed with the US Justice Department on March 27, that firm will lobby for Serbia with all interested American parties (including US government officials) on issues of regional cooperation which include Serbia and Kosovo.

Djilas met in Washington US officials, discussed situation in Serbia (Danas)

During two-day visit to Washington, one of the founders of opposition Alliance for Serbia (SzS) Dragan Djilan and SzS Secretary Ljuban Panic held number of meetings with US officials and informed them about the situation in Serbia, Danas daily reports.

As the Alliance for Serbia said in a press statement, they met with US National Security Council Director for Europe and Russia John Erratt, Director for European Affairs William Berkley, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Matthew Palmer and members of the Senate and Congress.

Serbian President "surprised by US Ambassador's statement" (TV Happy, Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said late on Tuesday he was surprised by US Ambassador Kyle Scott saying that "not only Pristina is to blame". Ambassador Scott said earlier the blame for the current relations between Belgrade and Pristina is also the absence of dialogue on both sides.

"I am surprised by Scott's statement. Hang on, man. They say, don't shift the blame. Say what we are guilty of?" Vucic said while on a Happy TV talk show.

The journalist remarked that some have asked Vucic to seal off passages towards Kosovo and Metohija "airtight."