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Haradinaj or Thaci, EU expects dialogue to resume (Koha)

The paper reports on the front page that Brussels expects Pristina to show the same commitment to dialogue with Belgrade, regardless of who will lead the next government in Pristina. Talks with Belgrade have become a topic in discussions for the formation of the new government. One of the conditions of the Vetevendosje Movement for the eventual Haradinaj government is to suspend negotiations with Belgrade. Analysts too agree that the time has come to set some basic principles and not talk with Belgrade without securing an equal position on inter-state matters.

Constitution of Kosovo cannot be excluding (Koha)

Brussels-based correspondent Augustin Palokaj opines that as far as the future government of Kosovo is concerned, the only thing that the European Union is interested in is whether or not this government will continue dialogue with Serbia and if it will implement all agreements reached with Belgrade. Palokaj further notes that “according to interpretations by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) that only the party or coalition that has won the elections can form the government, excludes democracy.


NATO will assist Williamson’s investigations (Koha)

The paper reports in a front-page article that, despite speculation in the Kosovo media, EU diplomats and officials in Brussels say they do not know what will be the outcome of investigations by Clint Williamson in relation to Dick Marty’s allegations of organized crime and organs trafficking. During its work, the Special Task Force led by Williamson cooperated with many countries, especially with Serbia and Albania, but also with NATO and EU member states. Williamson is now asking for institutional cooperation from NATO, which commands the KFOR military mission in Kosovo.


Hooper: Political fight in Kosovo must not get out of control (Koha)

“Kosovo has organized free and fair elections which are seen as a great step forward and now all must respect constitutional provisions during the formation of the government,” US expert on the Balkans James Hooper said in an interview for Voice of America. He noted that Kosovo is now able to resolve its political complications without interference from the international community. “Recent developments can help improve Kosovo’s image as long as tensions and the political fight for the ruling mandate does not get out of control,” he added.

FH: Kosovo still with semi-authoritarian regime (Koha)

Kosovo and Serbia, after years of worsening rhetoric and failed negotiations, have made significant progress in the comprehensive dialogue facilitated by European Union, says the newest report of the Freedom House titled “Nations in Transit 2014”.

Freedom House recalls that in February 2013, President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, and her Serbian counterpart, Tomislav Nikolic, met in Brussels and that this marked the first meeting between presidents of the two countries since Kosovo declared independence.


Netherlands: No visa liberalization without rule of law (Koha)

The paper covers a study visit to The Hague by reporters from Kosovo, Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, highlighting remarks by senior Dutch officials that the people of Kosovo will remain the most isolated in Europe until there is absolute rule of law in Kosovo. They also said that the position of 28 member states of the European Union will change only after reports show that Kosovo institutions are making considerable progress in the judiciary.


EULEX to transfer competencies to local institutions on Sunday (Koha)

Starting this Sunday, the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) will hand over competencies to local institutions. Panels of judges from now on will consist of two local judges and an international judge, and EULEX officials will have only a supporting and advisory role. On Wednesday, EULEX, the EU Office in Kosovo and the Ministry of Justice published a progress report on the agreement, which includes achievements and challenges of rule of law institutions in Kosovo.


Borchardt: We will cooperate with whoever forms the government (Koha)

EULEX chief Bernd Borchardt said on Wednesday that the EU mission would cooperate with whoever forms the government. “As the majority of parties have supported our mandate, we think we have good partners. Whoever forms the government, we will do our best to meet the expectations,” Borchardt said when asked by reporters if he has doubts that PDK leader Hashim Thaci will be able to form the new government.


PDK to go to court if not allowed to nominate Prime Minister (Koha)

Hajredin Kuci, deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), said on Wednesday that if President Atifete Jahjaga will nominate a candidate for prime minister from outside the PDK, the latter will raise the case with the Constitutional Court. Kuci said the PDK would then respect whatever decision the Constitutional Court makes. “According to the Constitution of Kosovo, the candidate for prime minister belongs to the winning party. After the certification of results, we will start working on forming coalitions,” Kuci added.


CEC has received no ballots from Kazakhstan (Koha)

Central Election Commission (CEC) has confirmed that it has received no ballots via mail from Kazakhstan which the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) hopes will secure it enough votes to pass the five-percent election threshold.

The largest number of applications comes from Serbia, 12,901 followed by Switzerland with 1,169 and Germany 1,122 votes. 221 votes have arrived from Austria and 115 from the United States.