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The great winner, Albin Kurti (Koha Ditore)

Columnist of this daily, Halil Matoshi, praises the leader of Vetëvendosje movement, Albin Kurti, for bringing together the Democratic League of Kosovo, The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and the Initiative party “in order to say no to extortion, intimidation, corruption and nepotism. To help Kosovo bring back the real values, fatherland determination, knowledge and responsibility."

Contradictory interpretations over candidate for prime minister (Koha)

The paper reports on the front page that the Constitution of Kosovo fails to specify who shall be the candidate for prime minister in the event that none of the parties receives more than 50 percent of the votes. There are currently three interpretations about the way President Atifete Jahjaga ought to propose the candidate for prime minister.

Krasniqi calls for a unified opposition front (Koha)

Jakup Krasniqi, chairman of the national council of the Initiative for Kosovo (Nisma), is against a coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Krasniqi told in an interview that he does not expect Nisma to enter a coalition with the PDK, but that he will wait for his party to make the final decision. “I don’t believe Nisma will consider a coalition with the PDK. We won’t enter that bargaining. I am saying no, but then again our party mechanisms will have to decide on the matter.

Kosovo needs a majority and European government – without PDK (Koha)

Publicist Veton Surroi argues in his opinion piece that the majority in Kosovo is not represented by 200,000 voters of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and that “it is completely illogical for the will of the majority of the people of Kosovo to submit to the will of the minority”. Surroi notes that the state is the essential difference between the voters of the minority (PDK) and the majority (the opposition block: LDK, VV, AAK and Nisma).


Bargaining starts now, nothing said during campaign remains valid (Koha Ditore)

Those tired of elections, will get even more tired by calculating who could make a coalition with whom and to what price. Different from election campaign, where Kosovo politicians usually make promises that they do not intend to keep, now during the bargaining for power, is the momentum for them to prove if they have principles or not. From today, everything that was said during the campaign is not valid.

CEC counts ballots from the last 100 polling stations (Koha)

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) is managing to keep 5 percent lead from Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) at a time when ballots from less than 100 polling stations have yet to be counted. It seems the difference between parties will remain as it is considering that most of the uncounted votes are from the predominantly-Serb northern part of Kosovo.

PDK has received 30.97 percent while LDK has 25.87 percent.

Behgjet Pacolli’s New Kosovo Alliance is definitely not making the 5 percent election threshold as it currently stands at 4.69 percent.

Election campaigns conclude due to explosion (Koha)

Following the explosion at “Kosova A”, which is suspected to have caused three casualties, 13 injuries, and serious material damages, all political parties have decided to end their election campaigns early today. This is according to press releases from the parties that are participating in the 8 June general elections. Leaders of these parties expressed their grief and solidarity with the victims of the tragedy, which happened today at 10:00 am. Party leaders also visited the site, as well as the injured at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo.