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SNS offers transport to displaced Serbs from Kosovo to vote for Serbian List (KoSSev, N1)

The ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) branch in the central city of Kraljevo, said it called on some 20,000 Serbs displaced from Kosovo and living in the city to go to Kosovo and vote for Serbian List in Sunday’s elections, local TV reported.

Vesna Milojevic, a local SNS official, said that “Serbian List is the only grantor of the Serbs’ survival” in Kosovo, adding the party managed to unite all Serbs there.

Coalition Freedom, Rasic: Those not being loyal to Serb List fired daily; two arrests (RFE, Beta, N1)

Nenad Rasic, Kosovo Serb opposition politician and the Coalition Freedom candidate for Prime Ministers in the elections on Sunday, told Radio Free Europe (RFE) that the campaign was conducted in "abnormal conditions," the Beta news agency reported on Wednesday.

He said that "everyday someone gets fired because they are not loyal to Serbian List. There is no person who hasn't been called at least five times."

Odalovic: I do not rule out new provocations aimed at Kosovo Serbs (RTS, B92, Tanjug)

Foreign Ministry Secretary General Veljko Odalovic said today that Pristina is panic-stricken and does not rule out new provocations and problems for Serbs

Odalovic told Radio television of Serbia (RTS) this morning that it is evident that Albanians cannot calculate and manipulate the Serbian List, so they try in other ways.

Belgrade finances all Kosovo Serb freshmen in the north (Beta)

Belgrade based news agency Beta reported that the new academic year started on Tuesday on all ten faculties of the former Pristina University, relocated in the north Mitrovica with over 1,100 Serb freshmen financed by Belgrade, the Beta news agency reported.

Serbia’s Ministry of Education has declared the 2019-2020 academic year as the year of free entry, which means that the education of all those entitled to enroll will be paid for from Serbia’s budget.

Video in Albanian brings media campaign against Freedom coalition; New Kosovo Party left the coalition (Serbian media)

On Tuesday, coalition Freedom issued a press release saying election campaign video in Albanian has caused a media campaign against the Kosovo Serb Freedom coalition, reported Serbian media.

The coalition candidate for PM Nenad Rasic recorded the campaign video in Albanian calling people to vote against the Serbian List at the October 6 early parliamentary elections.

Pacolli: Haradinaj is stubborn, all the others would abolish tariffs on Serbian goods (KTV, B92, Beta)

Kosovo Foreign Affairs Minister Behgjet Pacolli said that any other politician elected for the new Prime Minister would abolish tariffs, except Ramush Haradinaj.

"I repeat, winner of the election, the future prime minister who says he will keep the tariffs, is lying. I exclude Haradinaj from this because I know him as stubborn and when he fixates on something, you cannot change a thing. He does not change his position easily," Pacolli told KTV, quotes Belgrade based agency Beta.

Djuric: Serbs for Pristina are second-class citizens (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric says that Pristina, by forbidding representatives of the Serbian state from participating in the Kosovo election campaign with Kosovo Serbs, formally legalized segregation and apartheid and declared Serbs in Kosovo a second-class citizen, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Serbian President Vucic: "Parastate terrorizes and persecutes the Serbian List, only 'Serbia' is a forbidden word" (B92, RTS, N1, Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has called on Serbs in Kosovo, internally displaced and expelled to exercise their rights and vote for the Serbian List.

He stated that in this way they would thwart the attempts to manipulate the Serbian electoral will.

In a statement to Radio Television of Serbia (RTS), Vucic said that the Serbian List was experiencing real political terror and persecution, organized by the organs of the so-called parastate, supported by some in the international community.

Rada v. Serbian List (Kosovo online, KoSSev, Beta)

Rada Trajkovic, a candidate of coalition Freedom said that victory of Serbian List in the October elections in Kosovo would mean that now the ''mafia is the state project of Serbia in Kosovo'', reported portal KoSSev.

Trajkovic also said that the ''Serbian List is not competent to receive the support of the Serbian people''.

Kosovo Serb opposition airs campaign video in Albanian slamming Serbian List (N1, Beta, Kosovo online)

Kosovo Serb’s opposition coalition “Freedom” candidate for Prime Minister on October 6 early elections in Kosovo Nenad Rasic published a campaign video in Albanian, calling on people to vote for the coalition to “jointly renounce a political monster called Serbian List,” the Beta news agency reported on Monday.