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Russian Ambassador: No overnight solution for Kosovo issue (SRNA, TV N1)

Kosovo issue is rather complex, and it is impossible to find a solution to it overnight, Russian Ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Chepurin said on Saturday. He added the platform Pristina has recently adopted was completely unrealistic and that, at the current moment, the only solution according to the international law was the UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

Zakharova: Pristina tightens the noose to Serbs (BETA)

Measures of Pristina authorities represent “tightening the noose” to the Serbs and their systematic expulsion “by creating unbearable conditions in the spirit of an ethnic cleansing,” Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, BETA news agency reported.

At the regular Foreign Affairs Ministry press briefing, Zakharova urged international forces in Kosovo to implement their mandate and do not allow “violence against the Kosovo Serbs.” She also noted international forces were not preventing violence against the Serbs even before.

“Stance of European Union: There is absolutely no change” (Tanjug, B92)

Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Sem Fabrizi said the stance of the European Union is clear and there is no change in the format of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Tanjug news agency reported.

Asked to comment on a statement of the European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister on possible Russia and US involvement in the dialogue, Fabrizi said the stance is very clear, the EU is there to support the dialogue between the two sides and is doing so based on the mandate it received from the UN General Assembly.

Russian Ambassador says Pristina’s platform is a list of demands (FoNet, TV N1)

Russian Ambassador in Belgrade Alexander Chepurin wrote on Twitter yesterday that Pristina’s dialogue platform for negotiations with Belgrade is a list of ultimatums and demands, FoNet news agency reported.

He added that the platform is a clear rejection of the dialogue to resolve the Kosovo issue. Ambassador Chepurin also noted that Pristina won’t be able to sustain the pressure with that platform, adding that fantasies can’t be in line with a reality.


"Logical for future Belgrade-Pristina deal to go through UN" (TV Happy, Tanjug, B92)

Ivica Dacic on Thursday reiterated that the UN Security Council would be "a logical instance that should follow if Belgrade and Pristina reach an agreement."

"That's a logical sequence of events. Everything we agree on must go through some foreign body in order to gain international legitimacy, in order to verify what we have agreed," the Serbian Foreign Minister and First Deputy PM told Happy TV.

McAllister: It is the most important that Belgrade and Pristina return at negotiation table (RTS, RTV)

The European Union has mediated and will continue doing so in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister told the Radio Television of Vojvodina. He made these remarks after asked to comment on the EU Hight Representative Federica Mogherini statement that the final agreement between Belgrade and Pristina would have to be supported by the UN Security Council.

Russia adopts document on NATO's 1999 attack against Serbia (Sputnik, Tanjug, B92)

Russia has adopted a document on the 20th anniversary of the start of the NATO bombing of the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro). Tanjug is reporting this on Wednesday, citing Sputnik, that the text states "the initiators of this crime must be held responsible."

Nenad Popovic: Aim of NATO aggression failed, Kosovo is Serbian (Tanjug, B92)

It is clear the goal because of which Serbia was bombarded in 1999 has not been fulfilled, and Kosovo remains Serbian, also thanking to the efforts of Russia that did not allow changes of the Resolution 1244. This is according to the Serbian Minister for Innovations and Technological Development, Nenad Popovic.

No parallels between Bosnia and Pristina-Belgrade talks, says US Ambassador to BiH (N1, Beta)

The US does not consider that the ongoing talks between Serbia and Kosovo have anything to do with Bosnia, the newly appointed US Ambassador to Sarajevo, Eric Nelson, said on Thursday in his first press conference after taking office, N1 reported.

“The US position is clear that there is no parallel between the negotiations taking place between Serbia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina,” he said.