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300 houses for Serb displaced persons (Zeri)

The paper reports that the representatives of the Office for Kosovo in the Serbian Government, during an OSCE event in Poland will present a project named Sunny Valley, which aims to solve the problem of Serb refugees from around the world. The project foresees building of 300 houses in Mitrovica North. The deputy director, Dusan Kozarev, said that in addition to the displaced persons from Kosovo, also refugees from Serbia and Europe would be accommodated there. “This project will accommodate 1000 displaced persons.

Women with children returning from ISIS must be integrated (Zeri)

At a conference organized yesterday by the Kosovo Centre for Security Studies and the EU Office in Kosovo it was said that women and children who are forced by their husbands or someone else to go to Syria and Iraq, after returning to Kosovo should be part of rehabilitation and reintegration programs. Most of them go with their husbands, but there are times when they take the road on its own initiative. But, Kosovo institutions have no plan or strategy on how to integrate women who decide to return after their husbands die in Syria.

Kosovo civil society’s visa liberalization petition to be submitted today (Epoka e Re/Zeri)

Kosovo Open Society Foundation along with civil society partner organisations will submit today to the Head of EU Office in Kosovo Samuel Zbogar a petition with over 54,000 signatures calling for visa liberalization for Kosovo. The petition will also be delivered to the European Integrations Minister Bekim Collaku. The visa liberalization awareness campaign began this April with a letter the Kosovo civil society organisations sent to the EU institutions urging them to apply transparent and fair criteria when assessing Kosovo’s compliance to visa liberalization roadmap requirements.

Altruistic youths offer catch-up classes for Ashkali children in Fushe Kosova/Kosovo Polje (Zeri)

Members of the Kosovo-based non-governmental organization, The Ideas Partnership, Rron Gjinovci and Arian Maloku, have been providing for a year now free of charge classes to children from Ashkali community in Fushe Kosova/Kosovo Polje in different subjects, twice a week. Gjinovci said the children from Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian (RAE) communities are neglected in schools. “They are always seated at the back. Not to mention racial discrimination or when their grades are determined by national background,” Gjinovci said.


Jahjaga to challenge Thaci (Zeri)

Kosovo’s President, Atifete Jahjaga, might get another mandate to lead the Presidency of Kosovo. The paper writes that Jahjaga has the support of the international community.  "Jahjaga continues to have a strong international support. They are interested that Jahjaga remains President for another mandate," an international source from Quint states told the paper. According to this source, Jahjaga has positively represented Kosovo in the international arena, and was received with the highest honors.

Pacolli: Accord on vehicle insurance was misunderstood (Indeksonline)

The head of the Kosovo delegation in Pristina – Belgrade talks for vehicle insurance policies, Rrahim Pacolli, said today that there has been a misunderstanding by the public opinion regarding this issue. “The TPL+ insurance policy covers damages to third parties outside the territory of Kosovo in FYROM, Albania and/or Serbia. Our statistics show that a large proportion of insured persons already have TPL+, which means that even before the agreement with Serbia, it has been mandatory to have TPL+ to travel to neighboring states such as. FYROM.

Removing the Peace Park after the formation of the Community/Association of Serbian municipalities? (KoSSev)

Removing the Peace Park from the main Mitrovica Bridge now depends exclusively on the establishment of the Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities, as reported yesterday by Zeri, saying that this was the position of Serbian officials, as well as that the question of solving the Peace Park currently was blocked. The newspapers also reported that it will be a part of a package of agreements on four points.

Free media, tool against corrupt Balkan governments (Zeri)

Media and civil society representatives discussed yesterday during the DokuFest documentary and short film festival in Prizren the role of the media in fighting corruption in the Balkan countries. Marija Ristic, a journalist from Serbia working with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) said that most of the media in Serbia are owned or controlled by politicians and businessmen and there is very little room for professional media to thrive. Arbana Xharra, editor-in-chief of the Pristina daily Zeri spoke of the threats she received for writing about corruption in Kosovo.


EU allocates €55 million to support the rule of law (Zeri)

The European Union through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) allocated over € 55 million to support the rule of law in Kosovo. European Integration Minister Bekim Collaku said that the projects would be implemented from 2016 until 2018. According to him, €24 million will go on projects to support the Kosovo justice system reforms, while €13 million for projects for the Ministry of Internal Afairs.