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Police: We released Kurti on prosecution’s order (Kosovapress/Zeri)

Kosovo Police Spokesperson Baki Kelani denied the allegations of the opposition Vetevendosje former leader Albin Kurti that he was released as a result of the reaction of Vetevendosje activists last night. Kelani said Kurti was released on the order of the prosecutor and it was on the basis of such an order that he was detained and interviewed. Kelani said 15 police officers and 1 person were injured in last night’s clashes between the Vetevendosje supporters and the Kosovo Police.

The teargas! (Zeri)

The former leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, Albin Kurti, writes in an opinion piece today that the teargas that he threw at the Assembly of Kosovo last week was of small quantity and it was no mass attack, arguing that lots of cans with teargas were thrown in the past towards Vetevendosje activists and dissatisfied protesters.  “Moreover, we did not use rubber bullets on Thursday. What is this hysteria and this panic?”

Kadri Veseli’s secret mission (Zeri)

The paper’s editor Lavdim Hamidi, writes in an opinion piece today that the President of the Assembly, Kadri Veseli, should be held accountable for the latest developments in the Assembly. According to the author, Veseli should not call a session without creating workable conditions for it. "Even with unreasonable actions of the opposition trying to prevent the session, the ruling parties had the tendency to adopt laws in such conditions. This way of adopting laws will not contribute at all in unblocking the work of the Assembly.

PDK: Opposition is lying, it wants to take over the government! (Zeri/RTK)

The head of the Kosovo Democratic Party (PDK) parliamentary group, Adem Grabovci, called on opposition MPs not to block the work of the Kosovo Assembly. “The current situation is regretful. This is an attempt to block the state of Kosovo. The opposition should ask itself where it wants to go with such actions. We stand behind our efforts to unblock the Assembly through dialogue. The opposition is not concerned with the content of the agreement because they understand that this is an international agreement. The opposition wants to take over the government.

Person arrested in connection to assassination plot against Mimoza Kusari-Lila (Zeri/Express)

Kosovo Police confirmed the arrest of a person in connection to the assassination plot against Gjakova/Djakovica Mayor Mimoza Kusari-Lila has been arrested. According to Gazeta Express, the person arrested works in one of the Gjakova/Djakovica municipality branch offices in the village of Bishtazhin and is a member of the Kosovo Albanian Demo Christian Party.

Refugee crisis knocking on the door (Zeri)

Naser Sertolli writes that the political crisis in Kosovo is deepening each day, due to the objections of the opposition parties on the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and demarcation of the border with Montenegro. This crisis notes Sertolli, has distracted the attention from some of the major developments in the region and further, which have even reached proportions of global crisis.


Journalists to be careful when reporting on religious extremism (Zeri)

The Kosovo Centre for Security Studies supported by European Union Office in Kosovo, yesterday organized a round-table where it was debated on the challenges that journalists face when reporting on violent extremism in Kosovo. During the meeting it was said that Kosovo journalists should be careful when reporting on matters related to religious radicalism and extremism. Journalist Florie Ademi said that the media should be more responsible and balanced, while journalists need to be more specialized in reporting on matters of religion.

Hashim Thaci’s calmness (Zeri)

Editor in chief of this daily, Arbana Xharra, considers that current calmness of the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci is quite reasonable, “being that he has always had a plan B and that he calculates every single move in advance.” She considers that except for Vetevendosje, Thaci knows all the other opposition leaders very well because he has trapped them at least once.

Opposition open to participation in parliamentary commissions (Zeri)

Despite the decision to boycott plenary sessions of the Kosovo Assembly and the meetings of the Assembly presidency, opposition parties are taking part in the meetings of the parliamentary commissions. Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) MP Pal Lekaj said opposition legislators are performing their duties in the parliamentary commissions. At the same time, he said his party has not yet decided whether it will take part in the upcoming session of the Assembly on Thursday.