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The war that has nothing to offer (Zeri)

Kosovo Assembly Vice-President, Xhavit Haliti, in an opinion piece today argues that at a time when important laws are waiting to be adopted, when Kosovo needs to make mature decisions, the opposition MPs are trying to block the work of the Assembly.  “The MPs who are elected by the people have forgotten to speak and are using teargas as the only means of communication.

Kosovo Government building lights up in orange to raise awareness of gender-based violence (Zeri)

The UN Women office in Pristina and the Agency for Gender Equality have lit the Kosovo Government building in orange as part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign. Orange is the official colour of the campaign symbolizing a brighter future and a world free of violence against women and girls. Ahead of this activity, the UN Women launched in Pristina a report on gender-based violence in different Kosovo municipalities.

Jahjaga visits the Rehabilitation Centre for Mothers and Children (dailies)

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga yesterday visited the Rehabilitation Centre for Mothers and Children in Pristina. Jahjaga was informed about the work and the conditions of this centre, which supports the torture survivors and persons that were abused and tortured during the last conflict in Kosovo. Jahjaga said she was impressed with the psychosocial treatment that centre offers for rehabilitation.

The return of Albanians in north, impossible process (Zeri)

The paper reports that at least until spring next year there will be no return of Albanians in northern Mitrovica, although many of them have expressed willingness to return to their properties. Adriana Hodzic, head of the Administrative Office in northern Kosovo, said that there is no progress in this direction. According to her, the process of reconstruction of the Albaninans’ houses will not start before spring next year.

Kosovo, ISIS’s “recruitment field” (Zeri)

Editor in chief of this daily, Arbana Xharra, considers that it is natural to be concerned if recent events in Paris could occur in Kosovo. This question is legitimate, she notes, knowing that so far, 300 Kosovars have joined the “Islamic State” and its branches in the Middle East. “So there are sufficient elements for concern, because they are among us and brain washing did not happen within a night.

Thaci: Visa liberalization is next (Zeri)

Following the ratification of the Stabilization/Association Agreement with the European Union, First Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci told reporters in the Assembly hall that Kosovo will now assume new obligations and responsibilities. “These responsibilities will be directly linked to the implementation of certain criteria that are required to move forward with reforms in the legislation and the economy.

The bad opposition, the good opposition (Zeri)

Columnist Naser Sertolli argues in his opinion piece that by attending the Kosovo Assembly session in honor of the visit of Austrian President Heinz Fischer and by saying that they will also attend the session that will ratify the Stabilization/Association Agreement with the European Union, the opposition parties confirmed the statements of their leaders who said that they would be constructive when the interests of the people and the country are at stake.

Opposition ignores the Quint Ambassadors (Zeri)

Kosovo opposition will not revoke its decision to block the Assembly, despite the continuous criticism of the representatives of the Quint states. Furthermore, representatives of the opposition claim that the internationals’ request to unblock the Assembly is reasonable, however, they stressed that this will entirely depend if the governing coalition decides to withdraw the recent agreements on Association and on demarcation.

“Do the opposition parties believe in democracy or use of violence?” (Zeri)

The British Ambassador to Kosovo, Ruari O’Conell, writes in an opinion piece today that the people of Kosovo have achieved a lot just a few years after the conflict, and especially after the declaration of independence. “Now, Kosovo faces major challenges. How the leadership of Kosovo choses to face these challenges will greatly affect the future of Kosovo. My message to the leaders of the opposition parties is clear. The United Kingdom is a friend of Kosovo. We do not support parties but we support the people and institutions of Kosovo.

Vetevendosje: We are determined to oppose agreements all the way (Koha/Zeri)

In a press conference today, Vetevendosje’s deputy leader Driton Caushi and the head of parliamentary group Glauk Konjufca said they are determined to continue opposing agreements for the creation of the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and the border demarcation with Montenegro. Caushi said the situation in Kosovo is becoming increasingly volatile and unstable while Konjufca said that he was travelling along with Kurti at the time of the arrest and claims that the police did not possess any warrant against Kurti.