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Hashim Thaci’s calmness (Zeri)

Editor in chief of this daily, Arbana Xharra, considers that current calmness of the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci is quite reasonable, “being that he has always had a plan B and that he calculates every single move in advance.” She considers that except for Vetevendosje, Thaci knows all the other opposition leaders very well because he has trapped them at least once.

“He knows very well that the current blockade by the opposition is not related to the Association or Demarcation, because these two issues cannot be undone. They were started by him but signed by Isa Mustafa,” she writes adding that leaders of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) would also sign these agreements if they were in power. “Thaci knows very well that all the opposition wants right now is to bring down the government and take it over for themselves. Thaci is comfortable even when the petition is signed by 150 thousand people or when opposition warns with protests. Not because he is not frightened from the protests but because he knows that if the protests are organized by Fatmir Limaj and Ramush Haradinaj, at the end of the day, he will be the only winner.”

According to Xharra, Thaci intentionaly initiated issues earlier and left them for Isa Mustafa to sign. He also intentionally promised to electorate increase of salaries knowing that the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank would not allow Mustafa to make such decision. “This was the first slap to the new Prime Minister and later, every protest organized against the government was a winning point for Thaci who could then say “see Isa Mustafa loses control of everything.”

Xharra notes that intentionally or not, the opposition is fulfilling his plan in a perfect manner, by giving him time to make his plans for becoming the President of Kosovo or for new elections. Except for Vetevendosje, all the other parties will humble to him for co-governance, therefore he looks forward to the new elections more than any other party. She considers that Thaci “has already burned” Isa Mustafa, NISMA cannot be taken seriously while AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj burned himself with his flirting with Thaci after returning from the Hague. “Therefore, every political calculation sends Haradinaj to Thaci’s arms.”

Xharra stresses that for fifteen months of the current government everyone dealt with Isa Mustafa, while Thaci modeled in the New York streets, or acted in the airplane “pretending to save public funds by traveling on economic class,” at the time when everything that has been done, went to his benefit.