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Rakic: No Serbs in southern Mitrovica (Kontakt plus, RTK2, Tanjug)

Northern Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakic denied the allegations about ethnic cleansing in this part of the city, and underscored that ethnic cleansing has been completed a long time ago in southern Mitrovica, where not a single Serb now lives.

Northern Mitrovica is the only truly multi-ethnic environment in Kosovo, Rakic said to Radio Kontakt Plus and called on Southern Mitrovica Mayor Agim Bahtiri to refrain from making flammable statements that can destabilise the situation in the area.

Officials at the court for failing to report property (TV Most)

Reports have been filed against several councillors from the municipality of North Mitrovica from the Srpska List to the competent courts of Kosovo for failing to report property to the Kosovo Agency for fight against corruption.

Mayor of North Mitrovica Goran Rakic is also on the list of those who failed to report property to the Agency for fight against corruption, and some of the councillors at today's regular session, said that they have already received the verdict. They were sentenced to probation and fine.

KFOR Commander: We will provide security throughout Kosovo (Blic)

KFOR Commander, Major-General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta today met with Goran Rakic, Mayor of the north Mitrovica and pointed out that KFOR will provide security in the north and the rest of Kosovo.

- KFOR will continue to provide a safe environment in the north and the rest of Kosovo, ready to intervene, if necessary - said KFOR Commander Miglietta.

He said that KFOR promotes progress and dialogue between all stakeholders in the region in accordance with its mandate.

MPs of the Serbian list will face charges because they didn’t report the property (Blic)

Charges were filed against several MPs of the Serbian List in Mitrovica North, because they didn’t report their property to the Kosovo Agency for fight against corruption. Some MPs have said they had already received verdicts, according to which they are sentenced on probation and fined. “I do not have exact data which MPs were charged. I am also one of the accused on the list, though it is clear that there was no intention to obstruct the process,” said the mayor of Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic.

Goran Rakic: Serbs in Kosovo unique for the first time (Vecernje Novosti)

“Community/ Association of Serbian municipalities will be the foundation of survival of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, because for the first time all areas with Serbian majority will be united and will act uniquely. There will be no division on areas south and north of the Ibar/Iber River.” This is how Goran Rakic, Mayor of Mitrovica North explains his view of the agreement on the Community/ Association of Serbian municipalities (ZSO), reached in Brussels.

Mustafa: Goran Rakic was part of Kosovo delegation (Zeri)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said that there were certain persons from the Kosovo delegation that wanted to join that of Serbia during the 17 June meeting in Brussels where the issue of Mitrovica barricades was discussed. However, Mustafa said this was not allowed. “Goran Rakic was part of the Kosovo’s not Serbia’s team”, said Mustafa. He said that it is Brussels that sets the rules and people from Kosovo can only be part of the Pristina delegation. “We didn’t have persons from the north part of the delegation before, but now we do”, said Mustafa.


Instead of a wall, the Hungarian authorities should set ‘Peace Park’ (TV Most)

The new walls in Europe are a disgrace of the cradle of civilization, said the mayor of Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic. "I urge Hungarian authorities to instead of a wall set a ‘Peace Park’ and start to talk with people who have fled their homes because they and their families are physically threatened. We all need now human solidarity, no matter from which continent and city we come", said Rakic commenting the decision of Hungary to erect a fence on the border with Serbia, due to the large influx of illegal migrants.


Goran Rakic does not want to be in the delegation of Pristina (Danas, TV Most)

Mayor of the northern part of Mitrovica, Goran Rakic does not want to travel to Brussels as a member of Pristina's delegation, in order to agree with the mayor of the southern Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri about the opening of the bridge over the Ibar/Iber River and asked "why should we discuss in Brussels when we are here in a hundred meters away from each other."

The opening of the bridge and removal of the Peace Park is one of the topics on which the consent should be achieved by the Serbian and Kosovo delegations at the technical level until 23 June.

Rakic: I hope we will use the budget in the right way (RTK2)

At the session of the Municipal Assembly of Mitrovica North municipal councillors adopted the financial report.  Mayor of Mitrovica North Goran Rakic said that budget was unblocked few days ago, adding that he hope that this municipality will use the budget of around six million euros in the right way.    “Few days ago we paid workers of Administrative Office and Local Government. In regards to the salaries of teachers and health workers, I am convinced that we will find the right solution that will satisfy both sides. I kindly ask them for patience,” said Rakic.

Rakic: Investigate the responsibility of all officers (KIM radio, Akter, TV Most)

Mayor of North Mitrovica Goran Rakic requested last night the authorities to investigate the responsibility of the police officers who were on duty at the place where the young men was stabbed.

"We seek from the regional commander to submit a report, starting from the head of the shift to every officer who was at the time of the attack near that place, regardless of whether the police officer is employed in the police station North or South", said Rakic after an emergency meeting of representatives of local and the Regional Directorate of the Kosovo Police in northern Kosovo.