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The decision to suspend the privatization must stay in force (KIM Radio)

Mayor of North Mitrovica Goran Rakic said that Kosovo Privatization Agency (KPA) informed him that the sale of enterprises from the so-called Series 27 and 28 in Northern Mitrovica was postponed indefinitely. However, in the meantime he received a letter from the agency that privatization is still continuing. 

In Gracanica consultation, the decision in Brussels (Danas)

Although the Government of Serbia has announced the last week's joint emergency meeting of all 10 Serbian municipalities in Kosovo's local government system as ''the start of the creation of political unity and institutions in Kosovo and Metohija, whose formalization will be considered later", the Serbian mayors now are announcing that "the initiative for the establishment of Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) is raised to a higher political level."

Albanians begin construction works, Serbs very concerned (dailies)

Ethnic Albanians began construction works in the Brdjani neighborhood in northern Kosovska Mitrovica on Friday morning, causing a stir among local Serbs who gathered to voice their protest.

In the meantime, an intervention unit of the Kosovo police, and EULEX police arrived at the site, says Tanjug's on-site-reporter.

North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakic is also among the gathered citizens, and the situation is under control for now.


Sale of the Serbian property without Serbs (Vecernje Novosti)

Pristina authorities are trying to use political vacuum, which occurred after Serbian MPs left Kosovo institutions, so they could continue illegal privatization of the property in the Serbian areas. Kosovo Property Agency announced privatization of 9 premises of socially owned enterprise “Luks” till the end of the month. 

Rakic calls for an end to privatization in Mitrovica (RTS, Blic, Tanjug)

Mayor of Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic called the Privatisation Agency of Kosovo to suspend the sale of premises, which belong to the company LUX in this city.

Privatisation Agency of Kosovo informed the municipality on March 9 that by the end of this month the privatization tender would be announced for nine premises of this company, increasing the number of the business premises to around 30, for the so-called privatization, in the last 15 days.

Shops are located in the central places in Mitrovica.

Rakic: Offensive and dangerous message (TV Most)

The Mayor of North Mitrovica, Goran Rakic, condemned "offensive and dangerous content of the song and video" The rifle of freedom" that was recently published by Pristina singer Arian Agushi, known as "Gold Ag". "The song is extolling dangerous idea of pan-Albanian nationalism, i.e. so called Great Albania and video in which is dominating the scene of the alleged murder of Serbian policemen present a direct call for violence," said Rakic in press release. 


The building of Civil Protection in Mitrovica stoned (KiM radio)

Unidentified persons stoned last night around 19:30 former municipal building of Mitrovica North. In that building are now the workers of Civil Protection. There were no injured persons and damage was reported on one window and two vehicles.

The mayor of the northern Kosovska Mitrovica, Goran Rakic, said that this is not an isolated case, but that the incidents are repeated almost every week. "A month and a half ago, Molotov cocktails were thrown, and one car was set on fire," said Rakic.

Rakic: To solve the problems of citizens (KiM radio)

"I want to remind Mr Bahtiri that he pledged, in Brussels in the presence of representatives of the EU and the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, that the park will not be removed, until a solution is found with which will agree citizens of both municipalities," said Rakic.

Mayor of North Mitrovica, Goran Rakic reacted to a statement of Mayor of South Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri that "Peace Park" soon would be removed, and went on saying that mayors have more important things to do than to make inflammatory statements.

Rakic and Bozovic: Some in prison for years without indictment (Politika)

Mitrovica – Leaders of the Mitrovica municipality, Ksenija Bozovic and Goran Rakic visited today Detention Unit in Mitrovica and talked with prisoners and, as stated, some of whom are in detention for years without indictment.

As stated, the purpose was to visit Serbian prisoners in Detention Unit, as well as detained Serbs accused before the EULEX justice including the CI SDP leader Oliver Ivanovic.

Bozovic and Rakic ​​wanted to get acquainted with the conditions in which are Serbian prisoners.