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REKOM: Determine the accuracy of information about the mass grave (B92, N1, KiM radio)

The Coalition for REKOM invited the competent authorities of Serbia to determine the accuracy of information about the existence of a mass grave in the village of Medevce, 30 meters from the road Leskovac - Pristina.

A site suspected of being a mass grave is one kilometre and a half from the administrative crossing of Mutivode, in the land-based security zone towards Kosovo and about 300 meters away from KFOR units.

Mortal remains discovered near Djakovica (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti reported today that the mortal remains of persons most probably kidnapped in 1998 and 1999 are discovered near Djakovica town.

Remains of three persons were discovered in a location assumed to be a mass grave last week. It is believed the remains belong to the Serbs kidnapped in 1998 and 1999, daily further writes, adding excavation would continue this week.

Tarja Formisto, Deputy Director of EULEX Department of Forensic Medicine confirmed three bodies were exhumed in the mentioned location.

Prenk Gjetaj: There is no mass grave in Glarevo/Iglarevo village (RTK 2)

In the village of Glarevo/Iglarevo in Kline/a municipality remains of one person were exhumed and there is a belief that this person is on the list of missing persons in Kosovo, RTK 2 reported.

Kosovo Government Missing Persons Commission claims there is no ground to doubt there is a mass grave at this location. The identity of exhumed person is not confirmed yet.

Following the exhumation of the person, Prenk Gjetaj, Chair of the Missing Persons Commission rejected the possibility of a mass grave existence in this location.