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Insecurity (Kosova Sot)

Kosova Sot front page editorial notes that despite the initiative of the Prime Minister to gather on Monday Kosovo’s Security Council to discuss security measures in Kosovo after the terrorist attacks in Paris, Kosovo people do not feel safe. The danger does not come only from individuals influenced by extremist groups and extreme religious ideologies, but from the lack of the rule of law, notes this daily, criticizing Kosovo’s government for abusive governing, lack of accountability which has transformed the entire Kosovo into an insecure place.

Solidarity against evil (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily notes that it is easy to notice Kosovo’s solidarity with victims, attacked population, and a united condemning position  against aggressors, attackers, criminals and terrorists. This expression of the good will noticed in every public announcement, interview, and social networks is encouraging for Kosovo’s population which proves that they are aligned or at least want to be with progressive forces of the world.

From crisis to crisis (Kosova Sot)

The paper in a front-page editorial today writes that warnings of the opposition parties that they will block the Assembly session where the MPs are expected to review and approve the budget bill for 2016, is a signal for a new crisis, this time - financial crisis. "Blocking the Assembly due to the harmful agreements reached with Serbia will have serious political consequences, adding further tensions to government-opposition relations.

“Serbia should apologize to Kosovo” (Kosova Sot)

Gender-based violence, protection of women's rights, the treatment and psychological consequences of survivors of sexual violence during the war were some of the topics that were discussed in the International Conference dedicated to the protection of women's rights and gender equality that was held on Sunday in Mitrovica. Participants said that Kosovo is still in the phase of post-war stress where there are more than 20 thousand raped women.

The misery pulse (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial comments on the latest Public Pulse conducted by the UNDP and USAID in Kosovo, saying that it is “a realistic assessment of the scandalous state of governance in Kosovo”. “A summary of the key indicators and findings of the survey, which covers the period March – September 2015, shows that the satisfaction of the people with the work of institutions has reached the lowest point since March 2007.

The fall of the Republic (Kosova Sot)

In today's editorial the paper writes that Kosovo's leadership has seen fit to sit at a table with Serbia’s leadership but not to consider a possibility of dialogue with the opposition parties after blocking the Assembly’s plenary sessions, attacks with eggs and violent reaction that came after the arrest of Vetevendosje’s former leader Albin Kurti. “This unwillingness to solve problems through dialogue will not only add to the frustration of the opposition, but also of thousands of citizens.

Government is losing control (Kosova Sot)

In today's editorial the paper argues that the government of Kosovo is accusing the opposition for using violence in the Kosovo institutions, but, at the same time the state officials are undertaking acts of violence against the opposition MPs. "The politicized police treated the former Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti as if he was an ordinary criminal. The MPs have immunity and cannot be treated in such manners.

A Kosovar exit strategy (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of this daily notes that it has become a routine to seek help from those that Kosovo politicians call with extreme servility “international friends,” every time that they face crisis. “The same is happening with Assembly blockade which is consequence of the abuse of the dialogue with Serbia, producing in this manner illegal, anti-constitutional and dangerous agreements for the stability and functionality of Kosovo… Incapability of the current political class to overcome the status-quo, means failure to keep a state.

100,000 (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that more than 100,000 citizens of the Republic of Kosovo have signed a petition organized by opposition parties against the recent agreements in Brussels and against the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. “The ruling coalition can continue to marginalize the numerically-small opposition in the Assembly, but a mass popular support should not be ignored … What will Atifete Jahjaga, Isa Mustafa, Kadri Veseli and Hashim Thaci say now to at least 100,000 Kosovars who don’t support their decisions that are detrimental to the state?!
