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Gojkovic met El-Sisi, discussed Kosovo and fight against terrorism (RTS)

Egypt advocates for resolution of the Kosovo issue through the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, President of Egypt Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said during the meeting with the Serbian National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic in Cairo, RTS reports.

Gojkovic thanked Egypt for supporting Serbia’s interests during the voting on international forums.

“We have received an absolute support for our efforts to find a lasting and compromise solution through the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and we can count on Egypt’s support,” Gojkovic said following the meeting.

Serbian Assembly special session on Kosovo scheduled (B92, BETA, Tanjug, RTS)

Serbian Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic called a special session of the parliament on May 27, and the report on Kosovo and Metohija would be discussed, Serbian media report.

Gojkovic told journalists the invitation would be sent to the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to take part in the discussion and submit a report on Kosovo and Metohija, Vucic told RTS earlier he is ready to attend the session.

Alliance for Serbia refused Parliament Speaker call for consultations (BETA, Danas, TV N1)

The opposition Alliance for Serbia (SzS) said on Monday it would not take part in consultations called by the Parliament Speaker Maja Gojkovic for Tuesday, BETA news agency reported. The deputies of the parties and movements gathered in the Alliance for Serbia have boycotted the work of the Serbian Parliament.

Gojkovic: Discussion on Kosovo in Parliament soon (BETA, Danas, TV Pink)

Serbian National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic said today that Kosovo issue would be discussed in the Parliament soon, Danas daily reports.

Gojkovic told TV Pink she agreed on this with the Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and President Aleksandar Vucic. Gojkovic added she expects that all MPs would take part in the discussion about important topics since the Parliament is a place for dialogue.

Uganda supports sovereignty of Serbia (TV Most)

After Kenya, Uganda also said it remains consistent in respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, TV Most reported.

Serbian Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic singed in Kampala a Memorandum on Cooperation between the two parliaments, with her Ugandan counterpart Rebecca Kadaga.

Uganda would continue to respect the principles and United Nations resolutions, Ugandan Assembly Speaker Kadaga noted.

The report on abuses of funds intended for Kosovo, from the Serbian budget, did not reach the Parliament (Insajder)

The Insajder portal reported that the report of the Survey Committee on abuses of funds from the Serbian budget intended for Kosovo, which practically confirmed Insajder's research on the abuse of this money, has not even been included on the agenda of the Serbian Assembly for four years.

Gojkovic, Stefanovic on Vucic’s visit to Kosovo, reaction of international community (B92, Prva TV)

Serbian National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic said she expects the EU to react to threats against President Aleksandar Vucic made before his announced visit to Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

Gojkovic added, she hopes the EU would not urge the both sides to ease tensions, because Belgrade threatened no one this time.

NATO bombing consequences commission to visit Kosovo as well (Tanjug, B92)

Vranje will be the first location visited by a Serbian National Assembly commission whose job is to determine the consequences of NATO's 1999 bombing of Serbia.

The commission's chairman, Darko Laketic, announced this after the Assembly voted to establish the body.

Laketic said that the commission will start work once the Assembly confirms its composition, and explained that proposed members come from the ruling SNS and SPS parties, and opposition DS, Dveri, and SRS.

Vucic: Depleted uranium – crime without precedent (Tanjug, B92)

Serbia would seriously investigate the consequences of NATO bombardment using depleted uranium, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Tanjug news agency.

Vucic who attended the opening of an oncology ward, said it was a crime without precedent. He added, he heard from the medics there is an increased number of children suffering from malign diseases.

Assembly speaker "ready to leave" if Kosovo representative shows up (BETA, B92)

Representatives of so-called states that Serbia does not recognize cannot participate in an inter-parliamentary conference in Belgrade, B92 reported.

Serbian National Assembly President Maja Gojkovic said this on Tuesday, responding to opposition SRS party leader and assembly member Vojislav Seselj, who said chair of the Kosovo Assembly's Committee on Foreign Affairs Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu had been invited to a gathering in Belgrade.

Speaking at the Serbian Assembly, Gojkovic said she had no such information, but would check whether Seselj's claim was true.